Late last month I called capitol one retention to see if I Could have the rate lowered on my gold visa. They lowered it from 19.8 to 15.9% - Well very soon it'll be six months since I Received my last line increase. I went ahead and contacted Mr. Cooke via planetfeedback, even though I doubted I'd receive the increase since I just received the rate reduction. Today (just one day after I sent him a message via PFB) I got an email from him saying that they are able to assist me with my account concerns however I should contact him by phone to talk in more detail. Well I logged into my account online and my "total credit limit" has went from $1,000 to $2200 ! ! ! AWESOME, THANKS MR. COOKE! I am not sure why he wanted me to call him, however when I tried he had already left the office...... 16 months ago I received a $49 secured visa with a $200 limit. 6 months ago that limit was raised to $1,000 and upgraded to gold, last month the apr was reduced to 15.9%, Today the limit was raised to $2200. Thanks Capital One !
Congratulations!!!!! Did you ask for a $1200 increase or just a line increase without specifying a dollar amount.
I talked to capital one about two weeks ago and they were actually very helpful! I asked them if they could remove a 30 day late notation from an account I had closed about a year ago. I explained that there was some confusion on my part as I thought I had closed my account just before I was 30 days late. The customer service rep said they would check into it and a couple weeks later it was removed and reported as such to the cra's. I called them back recently and asked for a rate reduction from 15.9 to 11.9 and they approved it over the phone. I mentioned that I was thinking of closing this account because of the low credit line (500.00) and they indreased my credit line. The rep said that capital one is aggressively seeking to satisfy their customers any way they can! pb
The rep said that capital one is aggressively seeking to satisfy their customers any way they can! THEY LIE!!! Wife combined 2 accounts and closed one and they called that a LIMIT INCREASE!!! That is just WRONG!!!
George, did they do a hard inquiry to combine the cards? I spoke to retention and they told me they would have to pull my credit to combine the cards. (?!?!?)
Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! NO "HARD" MR COOKE (PFB) did it with-out any problems...BUT when she asked for a limit increase by E-MAIL (after the fact)...customer service said NO...then MR COOKE said he had to abide by their decision... CARD #1 $6,000 CARD #2 $3,000 CLOSE #2 AND MAKE #1 $9,000 SO IF THEY DO A "HARD" WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO...DENY THE COMBINING OF THE 2 ACCOUTS SO YOU STILL HAVE 2 ACCOUNTS WITH $9,000 TOTAL...INSTEAD OF ONE WITH $9,000??? Where is the LOGIC???
Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! My thoughts exactly, she said the reasoning behind the madness was, since you have more available credit on one card, they need to assess the "new" risk.
Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! THERE IS NO NEW RISK!!! 1+1=2 NOT 3!!! $3,000+$6,000=$9,000 (2 CARDS) $9,000 (1 CARD) Where is the "RISK" increase???
Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! Trying to pfb mr. cooke, but cant get his info to come up. What is his email address or pfb info to get his email addy to come up??? Thanks!
Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! capital one told me that they never do rate decreases. That I would have to close the account and re apply all over again.
Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! You use Capitol One as your info for PFB, its not addressed to Mr. Cooke... Capitol One does indeed drop interest rates
Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! Thanks. I am trying to ask for a decent cl increase. Have had cards forever, but LOW cl. Perfect history with them.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Capital One is A+++ In my Book! THEY ARE LIARS!!! ...or they are just CLUELESS or they just don't have all the information.