has anyone used the HIPAA letter on whychat's website gotten any results? Positive or negative? I am sending my letter today for a $74.00 bill from a physician in hopes of deletion (with full payment). I was just wondering what type of results folks have gotten with it!
Haven't tried it yet. I decided to try the westcap endorsement to the CA for a $53 medical bill (full payment for deletion) first. Should know the results in a few weeks. If that doesn't work, then I will try the HIPAA letter to the OC next.
I just put it on my site about 10 days ago, I don't think there has been time for any response as yet.
well, I just got back from post office. I sent it with the full payment. Since it is my bill, I don't feel bad about it. The bill was from 1997. The CA is IC systems so , we will see what happens. BTW, I only sent the original amount, not the extra $20.00 IC systems added. The HC provider is local and I sent the letter CRRR so He will probably receive it tomorrow. I added a paragraph about the CA having copies of my EKG, labs and chart notes (which they sent with validation) and that they may have also sent these items to AG and BBB when I filed complaints, further violating HIPAA.
The HC provider has not yet picked up the certified letter. I don't know what to do now, since he is not reporting, only the ca..... any hints!
While sending copies of such items you mention would probably violate HIPAA in my opinion because neither the AG nor the BBB could have any valid collection need for such private information for the simple reason that they are not collecting anything one should also realize that there is no conflict between HIPAA and FDCPA. So collectors can have access to such documentation as would be necessary to provide validation to the debtor upon demand or to an attorney for use in preparing MSJ against the debtor who could then present it as evidence before the court. But providing it to such agencies as the AG or the BBB would, I believe constitute a violation of HIPAA
Re: Re: HIPAA Letter results 1*I added a paragraph about the CA having copies of my EKG, labs and chart notes Uniondiva `````````````````````````````````````````` 2*While sending copies of such items you mention would probably violate HIPAA in my opinion because neither the AG nor the BBB could have any valid collection need for such private information for the simple reason that they are not collecting anything 3*So collectors can have access to such documentation as would be necessary creditwrench ````````````````````````` ============ 1*Why would one need to know this in order to collect? 3*Why does a collector need to know that aunt Jane had a Visectomy last year or uncle Henry had tebal ligation in 99 in order to collect.? The END ************************* LB 59
the letter i sent was returned for a bad addy... i went and physically verified the address, and i guess I will try to hand deliver the letter and check today! will update when I know something else!