I never thought I would see it happen. A charge off from Cap One that is less than two years old was deleted from my TU report. A friend that I was helping just got a Cap One deleted from Experian and Equifax. After about six months of getting verified this is a welcome change.
Disputer I lost my Cap one on Equifax after about 2-3 tries. Let m ask you, did you keep hitting Transunion every month for the Cap One tradeline ? I'm surprise they didn't reject your request. Let me know.
Yes....TU Did deny me a couple of times with the frivolous letter. My disputer letters just got worded a little stronger with each dispute.
That gives me hope. I actually gave up on getting my husbands Cap One off of his reports. Of course, it is the only TL besides a judgment that is reported on all three CR's. Do you have any other accounts with Cap One? When we paid them, they offered him a CC and we accepted. They said it would help his report to show that they were willing to extend him credit. After we get him added as a joint account holder on a few of my accounts, I was thinking we should close the CC with them. At that point I was going to try getting the neg TL from them deleted. I'm worried that by having ANY account with them, we are keeping his records in their system and thereby ruining the chances of having the neg. account deleted.
my husband had two cap ones.... one got deleted last month and one got verified! but oh well, it was on equifax and he really needs that report clean, so every little bit helps!
KAK, How soon afted you paid Cap 1 did they offer you a card? I just paid them off in Feb and need to re-establish some credit.
multiple 'tries'? do folks on the board continue to challenge, (with success?) even though a report STATES that an account has been verified? Mark
Try and try and try and try and try and try..................................................................................................................
Hockymom, They actually offered WHEN we were paying it off. I asked about getting the TL deleted, of course they said no way, but then offered a card. Think it cost $39 a year (not positive). Like I mentioned, the rep. said it would help his report to show that they were willing to extend credit to him again. They only gave him a $200 credit limit, then upped it to $300 after I complained. I am still thinking we will get rid of it after we get some other cards established in his name. Currently, it is the only positive TL on his CR that he is not just an AU. Once we get some Joint accounts set up, they are outta here.
Please give us the details! I'm trying to get a Cap One charge off deleted from my boyfriend's report, but haven't been able to. Did you dispute it as not mine each time? How often did you dispute? Did you send letters to Cap One or just dispute it with the CRA's? Elle
This last time I disputed as " I have never had an account with this company with a balance of XXXXX."