green card question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by skyy, Mar 12, 2003.

  1. skyy

    skyy Well-Known Member

    I sent two CRRR letters back on Feb 12th. I received the green card back for one of the letters, but have yet to get the other one. When I punch in the tracking number online, it says they have no record of it. What's the best course of action from here?

  2. msbandit

    msbandit Well-Known Member

    If you have your receipt from the post office, I would go back to them and ask for them to track ....and find out what happened.
  3. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    sky email me with the # and I can let you know tommorrow if you want.
  4. skyy

    skyy Well-Known Member

    Talked to the main post office here, they said there really isn't much they can do except offer me a refund, which doesn't really help me in any way. They also suggested that I call the company to see if they received the letter, but I'm really not trying to have any contact with the CA (Arrow).

    willgator, if you think you can find anything else for me, the tracking number is: 7002 2410 0004 5303 8906 (I tried to email you but it wasn't turned on).

    Thanks for the replies.
  5. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    skyy, my email is now on I got the # and will let you know .
  6. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    skyy, when did you send the certified they never scanned it in when you sent it, so it is not even in the system. let me know when you sent it maybe I can still find out what;s going on.

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