Last & Final Credit Prob...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wildbill, Mar 12, 2003.

  1. wildbill

    wildbill Well-Known Member

    Well, looks as though my credit history & files are finally recovering (albeit slowly) from years of my own personal abuse and recklessness. I'm now within reach of the 700 club & hope to be there by Christmas '03!!!

    I do have one last dilemma that is keeping me awake at night ... One judgment from AF, which I'm currently making payments on & is showing up on all three CR's and will continue to show up for 6 more years unless I figure something out...

    Of all the other items I've fixed with the CB's, I have left the AF judgment alone ... Trying, hoping, & praying I would come up w/the best plan to get it removed...

    (I have tried like hell to find friends/family who will let me temporarily use their address while I dispute the judgment as "not mine" but it's just not working out)

    Does anybody have any other ideas/suggestions on how to get this last thorn in my side judgment off my CR's ... ? ... Would opening & using a PO Box possibly work???

    Please ... ! ... I'll take all the advice I can get!!!!!!

    email is on if needed!

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    bump for those that might have experience with judgments.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    have you tried a simple cra dispute as "not mine" .... even with the address listed, it is a 50/50 chance that the tradeline would be deleted.

    If you have some moral opposition to a "not mine" and are currently making payments... perhaps a simple " I do not have a judgement in the amount of $xxxx" would be okay.

    I had three judgement... one paid, two I am n the process of paying off... none show on TU, only one each on EQ and EXP by simple disputes.

    ALSO, EXP, is really bad about investigating PR, so if you dispute, make sure you do a procedure request.... you can sue them if you find out they don't do a proper investigation and get removal
  4. wildbill

    wildbill Well-Known Member

    bumb one last time =)

    Thanks for the posts so far!!!!
  5. wildbill

    wildbill Well-Known Member

    Thanks ... ! ...

    I just might roll the dice and try a simple dispute but it's still driving me nuts knowing an address change would greatly improve the chance of removal... Sure would be nice to go out in a final blaze of glory with a 3 way removal on my last major derog!

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