Citi Platinum select or dividend?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nyyanks81, Mar 13, 2003.

  1. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    I currently have a Citibank platinum select with a 8k limit. I pay my bills in full and on time everytime.

    I was wondering would it be in my favor to have it converted into the citibank platinum select dividend card for the cash rewards?

    Does Citibank allow one card to be converted into another while keeping the same account #?
  2. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Why don´t you apply also for the Dividend?
  3. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    I dont know if it should apply for the dividend.

    I currently have:
    Citibank platinum select
    Discover classic
    Old Navy

    My citibank platinum select is a "college" card cause Im a college student. Its the same as the regular card, its just that I get more ads stuffed in the bill geared towards college students.

    I applied for the platinum select and discover card in April of 01, so its been almost 2 years.

    For the Old navy card, I applied in April of 02

    If I were to apply for the dividend, I would be applying for the college dividend card.

    Should I be applying for ANOTHER card based on the ages of my other cards?

    I want to keep things simple, I dont want to have too many cards sitting in my wallet.
  4. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Yes, You can change your plat select to Div plat. Both are very similar. I am not sure if the number will stay the same. My two Citi cards begin with 5424
    My plat select rate is 12.9% and my Div plat 9.1% or so.
  5. dzeng

    dzeng Member

    The number will be same, I converted my Sony card to Devidend Card and the card is same.
  6. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    ok, so when they convert it, do they need to pull your CR resulting in an inquiry?
  7. kkewl

    kkewl Well-Known Member

    No, but be careful...over the course of about 3 years, I went from that one card that had no magnetic stripe and could only be used online (damn! I forget the name of that card!! What a long time ago!) to a Sony Card, to a regular Platinum, to the Dividend, and finally to the AA World Mastercard and when I checked my credit report, guess what?? They didn't update anything, so it looked as though I had 5 open Citibank accounts, with a total of $120,000 in available credit, so when I went to apply for something else, I was of course, denied.

    Ok, so my point with that, is that check your CR after you switch card products to make sure that they've reported your other account as "closed @ conumer's request."

    Oh, and to clearly answer your question, NO, they don't pull a credit report when you switch products. :)
  8. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Citi Platinum select or dividend?

    I don't get it why the card needs to be closed at consumers request on the CR when you are just converting and keeping the same account #?

    and another ?, on the card it says member since whatever date. when you convert, does that date get changed, meaning you lose the age of the card?
  9. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Citi Platinum select or dividend?

    The switch is very easy!. Just call and request it.
    No inquires, No changes on the open date or history. If the number change they will tell you. It´s easy. Just call right now!.
  10. kkewl

    kkewl Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Citi Platinum select or dividend?

    Oooops; I should have been clearer (sorry!)
    With all the switching I did, I received a total of 4 different account numbers-- for some reason, they decided to change the #s on some of the new accounts, and left well enough alone for the others. The "member since" thing never changed though.

    Doesn't really matter to me though; I ended up cancelling my Citi account. They gave me a 3.9% fixed BT rate and then decided that they were going to put my account @ 24.99 because of a 3 (or maybe 4?) year old late payment with a Cap 1 carda.
    The thing that really pissed me off was 1) they could have seen that late there before they decided to give me the offer, and 2) I was an authorized user on the account- not even a joint account holder.

    Oh yeah, I bought a used car with the BT check, so I had a $22,000 balace go from 3.9% to 24.99%. Nice folks, aren't they?!!

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