secured?? I want to get a secured card but of course I dont want one that is going to show up as secured. Any suggestions would be helpful!! Thanks!
I thought that none of the secured cards show up as secured anyway. The only people that know they are secured are you and the CC Co.
Thanks to all that replied. I would like the Bank of America, but I am going to call them to see if they can tell me how they report......ALso Korean Air believe it or not is rated high but not sure how they report.....
Incorrect. Most actually report as secured - including BofA. The report below is comprehensive but may be slightly outdated (published in 2001).
Where on your CR does it show that it is secured? Or are you saying that they just put that on the paperwork that goes to the CRA and the CRA doesn't put it on your CR. My husband and I both have secured cards but it doesn't state this anywhere on our CR.
Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . Which CR? Which cards? Where on your CR it states that an account is secured: EXP â?? under â??Typeâ? or â??Creditor Statementâ? EQ â?? under â??Type of Accountâ? or â??Descriptionâ? TU â?? under â??Loan type,â? â??Collateral,â? or â??Descriptionâ?
Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . I am reasonably sure it's not about the points - likely you don't lose any if a tradeline reports as secured - however, future creditors will see that you have (had) a secured tradeline, and that may affect their decision about offering you unsecured credit. I may be wrong, but this appears logical.
Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . sounds right....I cant do Cap 1 from having paid charge off in 96....Just cant decide which one to apply for...
Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . American Pacific Bank (which I referenced above) has been quite good to me. Here's a little history: - sent in a secured card app to them on Feb. 14 (no online app), along with the deposit (money order) and paystub copy (required). If you're not comfortable with sending in the paystub, check their "no income" secured card. - the account was approved on Feb. 18. They DID pull a hard inquiry, on EQ only. - the card started reporting (as regular): to EXP circa Feb. 24, EQ circa March 1, and TU circa March 15. - I got the card on March 5. Have been using it with no problems. - APBank does have a "check you statement online" option on the web site, but no online bill pay yet. Hope this helps.
Credit unions!! My wife and I belong to a credit union through my employer, and we opened a secured credit card from this CU in her name (she had no credit before, and this was an effort to start building her history). After six months, we ordered the credit reports from all 3 bureaus, and none of them show "secured" ...
Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . Umbrella bank, American Pacific Bank, Orchard Bank, Amagamated bank of Chicago, Sky pass from U.S Bank are Very easy secured cards to obtain that report to all 3 CRA's as unsecured. You could have a FICO score of 400 with BK and get these.
Re: Re: Re: Secured Visa, which ones show not . Keep in mind, though, that Umbrella Bank is no longer accepting direct credit card apps. They're "only offering the cards to qualified customers who are also opening a deposit account." And it doesn't look like the Skypass card is bk-friendly, either: wajaba