FYI: Fleet of reporting

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 30ftshadow, Apr 17, 2003.

  1. 30ftshadow

    30ftshadow Well-Known Member

    I just responded online to a Fleet Titanium Visa mailed offer with 0% interest for a year. The website said I'd have to wait to get an answer in the mail. This was yesterday.

    Today, I checked privacy guard reports and they had already reported to Experian. I have not recieved the acceptance, obviously. It was shown with a less-than-titanium CL ($3000).

    Thought that was interesting.
  2. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    I did received one offer from them 6 months ago and I did responde online same response ....after 3 weks i did received a cc with a whopping $500.00 cl

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