I am a newbie. Everyone here is SOOO awesome. Keep up the good fight. It does actually work! I have a TU score of 746. I looked at the inquiry list since TU is my best score, and decided to apply for BoA. (I live in IL) I applied online, and was rejected. Too many inquiries in 5 months. I can't win. I just fought the CRA for the last 8 months (before I found creditnet.) With a score of 746 (no derogs) I decided to phone them. I spoke with a very nice CSR who said she would send in my app to the credit dept for further review. She noted that they want your score to be mid 600's. She told me to call back on Thursday. I will let you all know!
I had the EXACT same thing happen to me today with BofA. I called them rather than to waste the inquiry to try to get something out of it at least. They said that I had to many inquirys in the last 5 months but I only had two and were for good reason. I called to tell them my reasons and never got that far....she said that she only showed that I had ONE inquiry and would forward it to the supervisor for review and I should be able to call back thursday. Since when is ONE inquiry too many in the last 5 months....lol. These people crack me up. Well good luck to you! Post back if you hear anything!
Well I called thursday and they said the application was not reviewed yet and that I should know the outcome by today (friday) at the latest. I just got off the phone with them and they said that they denied the application on review. I can't wait to see the lame brain reason they turned it down. I can't see any reasonable reason for having turned it down. Oh well, their loss.
DH got denied for too many inquiries (I think it was 2) and not enough revolving debt. PFB'd them, didn't help, got a contact, she was useless. His score was around 720 or so at the time.....
i got denied for bofa first time around too many inquiries I called and got a manual review and i was approved for 6500 8.9 fixed this was last year... I just told them that I buy and sell property thats why I have so many inquiries... Chase same thing and was approved 15000cl 11.9% also last year.. us bank and discover would not budge on the inquiries though.. kev
Called BOA on that credit card application this morning. I was approved for $3000, 8.9 fixed, no annual fee. I am pleased. It pays to be persistant.
I got a reply on my PFB today, pretty quick response. The guy that called was very helpful and just told me that they received my request to have the information reviewed again and it had been forwarded for review, the only thing they needed to complete the review was proof of address. I faxed a copy of my drivers license to them and heard back about fifteen minutes later saying I was approved! I don't have specifics on the limit yet but I'll post when I hear.
Hello homefront, burnit, Major Congrats to both of you.... I am glad to hear that you both got approved for the cards... keep up the good work.... Thx, Kev