There is another thread going that talks about getting a Target Guest Card. They pull EQF for online apps, but it seems either EXP or TU in store. I don't know their take on BK other than they seem to deny people who filed BK on any of their affiliates.
Since you said store credit cards ..... My wife had no history, so I had her build credit history using a secured card from my credit union. After about an year, we pulled her CR and her FICO was 634 ... still did not want to risk applying for prime credit cards, so had her apply for CITGO gas card ... instant approval, $300 CL ... there is a CITGO gas station less than a mile away from my home, and gas is cheap too.... Actually, EFX was pulled for her ... if you want a card that pulls exclusively TU, I don't know, and would refer you to the top thread on this board. Another thought ... I got (but closed it since) a Target Visa card when I was living in MN ages ago, when TU was exclusively pulled, and I had no credit history worth speaking of. Those were the early days of tech boom, so this may not be the case nowadays ... perhaps today you might want to try for Target Guest card, and they will eventually upgrade it to Visa. If you can join a credit union, see if you can get a secured card from them ..... or even an installment loan secured by a savings account .... works wonders for your credit report. Best of luck -- lakpr
Re: Re: Can I get anything w/ 630 on TU? I had to call and beg to get a $400 chase with a 724 TU. I applied for about all I could at over 700 and chase was all I got off of TU. With a 630 and a recent BK I cannot for the life of me think of a single prime card who would give you anything. If you have 630 on equifax you may, and I say may because I got one for 2k(store card) but I had no BK get a carterlumber card from conseco. My wife got an automatic yes but mine at 630 went to a decision and they approved me(for $500 more than her ahahaha). You may not be able to use it but the 2k or 1500 or whatever looks good. If you can get that go for a mccoys which is the same thing almost from conseco. If not then just let the credit report age a bit. Maybe try to get rid of the BK listing during chod month.
A lot of people have been posting that Kohl's has gotten tough lately. I friend of mine got turned down with a 680 on TU.