Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wajaba, May 12, 2003.

  1. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Has anyone heard of the Partnership to Protect Consumer Credit? If you go to their web site, you'll see that their raison d'être seems innocuous enough...namely, to "Preserv[e] our strong, national credit system that:

    â?¢ Ensures affordable and accessible credit for all who qualify
    â?¢ Minimizes red tape, extra paperwork, and long waits
    â?¢ Aids law enforcement in tracking criminals and terrorists
    â?¢ Helps prevent identity theft and fraud
    â?¢ Assures businesses operate efficiently and cost effectively"

    ...which is followed by the admonition that "Unless Congress renews important Fair Credit Reporting Act provisions, the national credit system would be replaced by dozens of inconsistent state and local laws complicating the credit process for consumers and businesses, while hindering important identity theft and fraud protections."

    Another page on their site lists a bunch of implied accolades from Greenspan, a U.S. Representative, a Senator, and a host of others who are ostensibly in the know. They opine that:

    "From an economic standpoint, the Fair Credit Reporting Act has to be reauthorized. If it isn't, it will shut down our economy."


    "We have to reauthorize it,"..."It's a priority. ... If we don't, it would stop commerce and the free flow of credit."

    Fair enough, I'm starting to get it. But then, we get to the member links page, and immediately I get the heebie-jeebies. Why are the likes of Capital One, Citigroup, and Ford Motor Credit Company suddenly interested in make my credit "affordable and accessible"? Is this organization a wolf in sheep's clothing, like CCCS, or am I just being paranoid?

  2. lsmith15

    lsmith15 Well-Known Member

    sounds like as my daddy used to say where there is smoke there is fire. They might be doing this to get some of the ways we use the FCRA, amended in their favor why B/C the consumers (us) r becoming more aware of our rights. Thats just my opinion
  3. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Yikes! I smell something foul....
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Wajaba, nice lookin post. :)

    Now that we're on the subject:

  5. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Butch :) And thanks for the info...I musta missed that one.

    This statement in David's post is particulary interesting:

    "Now Congress is being mislead with misinformation suggesting that the whole FCRA will expire leaving the credit and credit reporting industries in disarray."

    ...which could mean, according to these folks, that life for the average American will be fraught with hardship and red tape.

    Just goes to show you that the info you get from this board is worth more than any number of lobbyists' ads. :)


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