AT&T Wireless has something called the GoPhone package, which is pretty much a prepaid plan with automatic deductions from a credit card or bank account. No contract or credit check. The cost for anytime minutes goes as low as ~$.09, I believe. If you're looking for a prepaid phone because you just want a prepaid phone, or you want to avoid getting into a contract, then that's fine...but if you're doing it because you think your credit's not up to snuff, then you might be surprised at what you can get. Sprint's pretty lenient, and T-Mobile approved me with a TU Fico score in the low-to-mid 600's and a ton of recent inquiries. wajaba
I have Verizon Free Up. You renew your min. every two months. The cheapest you can get is a $30 card and they offer you 50 min. of free weekend min. You can re up it every month if you want the minimum is $15. Verizon has great coverage, I can use it pretty much anywhere. Good luck.
AT&T Wireless also offers "Free to Go" which is a prepaid plan. You can buy time on-line, on the phone, at 7-11's and Western Union offices, in 10$, 25$, 50$ 100$ increments, time is good for 45 days, then you must add to the account in order for any remaining time to carry over. A friend of mine has this plan and it is ok if you really needa phone but the per minute airtime is really expensive compared to a normal plan.. it costs anywhere from .25 to .45 a minute per call!!
Guess I don't follow you tincuptw. The cheapest card is $30 and you can re-up it every month for $15. Does this mean that it's $45 a month if you only use the $30 card? Are the 50 free weekend minutes in addition to the card? AT&T GoPhone sounds allright but I don't like the idea of automatic deductions. Right now with my scores I think prepaid is about the best I can do.
Guess I don't follow you tincuptw. The cheapest card is $30 and you can re-up it every month for $15. Does this mean that it's $45 a month if you only use the $30 card? Are the 50 free weekend minutes in addition to the card? AT&T GoPhone sounds allright but I don't like the idea of automatic deductions. Right now with my scores I think prepaid is about the best I can do.
A better deal if you'd like to use an AT&T network prepaid is to check out ecallplus ( Either buy one of their phones (they often have a promotion) or you can use an approved phone that's no longer active. The main difference between their service and AT&T's own is that ecallplus has a 90-day expiration on their cards (you just have to use the phone at least one minute per month), and you can recharge the phone for as little as $10 ($3.33/month) via refill cards. There's another company called pharosint that has the $10 cards as ecallplus doesn't offer them (but they still work).
Try MetroPcs, No contracts, no credit reports. It's $35/month payable in advance plus cost of the phone.