I'm ECSTATIC!! First off, I would like to thank everyone on this board for helping me. I just fixed up my Experian score from a 622 to a 704 in the last five months. I had two 30 day lates in the last year on one account and one 30 day late payment on another account about 3 years ago. I also had two court judgments against me. I disputed both judgments as "not mine" and claimed I wasn't late on any of those accounts. The results came back today. - One of the judgments was deleted - The account with two lates wasn't verified so the entire tradeline was deleted (this was my home mortgage!!!) - The other late payment couldn't be confirmed either so they corrected the account to the point that it now says I was never late. Now the only thing that's left is one judgment and I plan on attacking that head-on once I go to the courthouse and get all the documents and figure out a way to dispute the validity/applicability of it. And if the tradeline that was deleted starts being reported again that won't bother me too much, as long as the lates don't show up. If they do, I have it in writing that the lates couldn't be verified.
for the judgement, if you have not already, ask the cra for procedures used to verify the account........ usually an easy violation because they do not provide any info!