3 Paid Charge Offs (1-2 Years Old)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bornlooser, May 24, 2003.

  1. bornlooser

    bornlooser Well-Known Member

    I am also working on my soon to be ex wife's creidt report. Wife has 3 paid charge off accounts aged 1-2 years old. One of them is with American Express. The others are for a medical bill and one for Niagara Water, (the water guy drove my dog nuts through his incessant knocking on the door requesting payment) I should have oppened the door lol!

    Anyways, my question is do I pursue my goals to clean up using the NUTCASE letters? or am I best served to follow the "not mine" approach with CRA.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    use the not mine strategy first....... if they are verified, then go " nutty" on them!

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