You'll be excited to hear about this wonderful opportunity from Dewey, Cheatham and Howe Enterprises. For just $19.95, we'll send you our CD that explains the 150 best kept secrets to avoid financial responsibility. These are techniques that affluent people use to line their pockets at your expense. Why stand for it any longer? Become one of them. Learn how to act rich, keep the pesky regulators away and structure your non-assets in such a way that no one will ever know you're broke. The key to your success will be gaining wealth by acting rich. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. We'll throw in for FREE our easy-to-understand manual that tells you step by step how to cash in on government inefficiency and corruption. When you follow the suggestions on our CD, you'll become one of the heavy weights. Never thought you could get the best table at the fanciest clubs and restaurants? Think again. Think you'll have trouble landing the best super bowl seats at a substantial discount? Think again. Using our system, it won't be long before you're invited to tee off with big shots like Cheney and Bush. When you become their friend, you'll cash in for billions. You can be proud when you land that contract to reconstruct the next country we bomb into oblivion. If you think you don't have the talent for such projects, think again. The most exciting part is that no one will ever ask what you did with the money. This is about friends helping friends. Period. CALL NOW. 1-800-ACT-RICH. This is a limited-time opportunity. Not available in stores or to residents of Wisconsin.
Here's a page straight out of the manual: wajaba
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