Please help with Emerge

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ellen, Jun 13, 2003.

  1. Ellen

    Ellen Active Member

    I know that there has been a lot of posting about them, but I can't find anything that will help me.

    I never activated the card that was sent to me. As a matter of fact, I called customer service, told them I wasn't interested in the card and asked what my balance was so I could pay it off immediately. I did, and I cut up and threw away the card they sent me. That was back in October, and I haven't heard anything from them since.

    I was looking at my credti report on creditexpert and happened to notice that it lists an $89 balance as of 6/03. (I have not received a bill from them). Ack. I tried calling the number I found on here for their customer service, but I don't know what the 16 digit account number is since I don't have the card anymore, so I can't talk to anyone.

    I've been working very hard to fix my credit for the past two years, and I can't have this account showing lates for an account I never authorized and for which I didn't receive a bill, so I need to contact them ASAP.

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Have you tried just staying on the phone so the computer "thinks" you have a rotary dial?

    Also, you might look at your TU report. Mine has the real full account numbers posted.

    Finally did you write your account number on the check you sent them?
  3. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    That doesn't work with eMerge. Their phone system is quirky. I also got rid of them as soon as I knew of the, smelling problems coming up. If you want to see how bad it has become, just follow this link:

    Among the quirks of eMerge's system are:

    *They have an automated system that only accepts telephone calls from the phone number IN THEIR RECORDS!!!! I tried calling them from my office and their automated system would not accept the call. I called them from home and got through.

    *They have unilaterally changed the terms of the cards they bought. Your mitake, in never activating the card, is that you also never officially closed the account - so they hit you with their $89 annual fee!!!

    *Their Customer Service Department is in INDIA, run by a bunch of people who barely speak English and only give scripted responses. No one has any authority there.

    *If you want to talk to a LIVE human being, you have to go all the way through their automated system, choose "Account Information" then gpo back to the main menu and a NEW option - speak yo a lie CSR will appear. Not taht it will do any good - see the prior post.

    Your best bet is to dispute the charge under Fair Credit Billing Act and dispute any TL with the CRA. eMerge will undoubtedly verify the entry, dispute it again, then sue eMerge. I would think you have solid grounds, since you never actrivated the card and therefore never accepted any of their terms or conditions.
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Active Member

    Thanks for your help. I just hope that I can find something with the unactivated card number so I can reach them and cancel. I'll even pay, I just really don;t want this to screw up my credit reports. I want to buy a house in the next few months.

    I just checked TU online, and it doesn't list the last 4 digits of the card # either. Maybe it's in one of my older hard copies at home. (I guess I have to call form home anyway).

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