Desperately seeking EXP in MD

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Deadwrong, Jun 16, 2003.

  1. Deadwrong

    Deadwrong Active Member

    Anyone in MD know of a card that I can apply for that will more than likely pull EXP. EXP is my best report by far and everyone I apply for so far is pulling EQF or TU...:(
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Cap One, Orchard, Household, and Providian all pulled EXP here in MD (Providian actually pulled both EXP and TU, and this was from a pre-approved app.) MBNA pulled EXP twice for an Apple LOC; I don't know if they would pull EXP for a CC app as well. APL (Applied Physics Lab) Federal Credit Union and Provident Bank of MD both pulled EXP for my car loans--again, I don't know if they would do the same for CCs.

    Hope that helps...


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