Equifax update

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tobasco, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. tobasco

    tobasco Well-Known Member

    You may want to check your EQ report. According to another message board, Equifax is re-inserting hard inquiries.
  2. SoParkDiva

    SoParkDiva Well-Known Member

    I knew it. I knew we were giving out too much information on this board! Tips such as bumpage should be shared through e-mails I think.
  3. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    You know, I just ran a MYFICO on EQ and could have **sworn** I had NO INQUIRIES before my EQ membership ran up in May.

    Now, I have 3 inquiries showing up again back from my mortgage loan from last January/February.

    This is not good...
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    You can sue for improper reinsertion. Charlie
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Depends on why they were removed in the first place Charlie.

    Those TL's removed as a result of your dispute are subject to the re-insertion rule.

    611 (5) (b)

  6. tobasco

    tobasco Well-Known Member

  7. WeatherNLU

    WeatherNLU Well-Known Member

    Not sure if anyone else had this problem, but I went from 4 to 13. I had 9 inquiries from mortgage loans that were coded EU, such as EU-Landsafe Credit. They were not counting in the FICO, but always showed up when I applied for something. Now, FICO is counting them as well. I think this is what happened.
  8. onyx79

    onyx79 Member

    People are talking about PASTAGE of old inqiries...uhoh!
  9. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I can't even get in. No matter what I do it says "session timed out!"

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