Hello everyone. I am new to this website and so grateful to have found it. I am begining the task of repairing my credit. There are 4 things that are affecting me negatively right now. 1. CITIBANK CHECKING PLUS ACCOUNT Opened July 2000 This had gone to collections and after moving so much I didn't think much about paying them. The original amount owed was $800. Last year I started paying them and I am down to $200 but Experian is reporting as Was A Collection ...that's the only bad marks I see. Since, I already started paying them but haven't finished, how could I go about getting this deleted? 2. A Collection account from Credit Management...paid charge off/collection in 9/02. Have no idea what it this account was for? How can I get it removed. 3. Collection from Portfolio Recovery & AFFl. This was for an old phone bill that I had forgotten about. The amount was like $80 dollars...I didn't know then not to pay it so I did...now its a PAID Collection Oct. 2002 4. WFN Victorias Secret. TU payment status says "Unrated or bankruptcy". Is this negative reporting. The account says open...what do I do with this one. No payment info. has been reported since 1996. Okay those are my four bad ones...I really would appreciate anyone's wisdom on how to deal with these. I have read the FAQs and the sample letters but I still need your help....
Welcome Is it citibank that you're currently paying or a collection agency? Is there only one tradeline on your reports about this (from Citibank or from a CA) or are there two? (Both Citibank and a CA). If you're just dealing with Citibank and there's only one line on your credit reprot, then you're probably in pretty good shape. I think the first thing to try here would be a goodwill letter. Do a search here on goodwill if you need any tips, but basically I'd just send a letter saying something to the effect of... "Dear kind person. I am writing about my Checking Plus account number xxx. Back in July of 2001 (or whenver it was) I got behind in my finances and unfortunatly this account went to collections. Since then I have mended my ways and have been making regular payments on this account. Because this account is a negative mark on my credit report it may affect my ability to get credit. I realize that I made some mistakes in the past, but as you can see in my account history I've been making regular payments on time for the past x months. I am hoping that you could find it in the goodness of your heart to change your tradeline on my credit report to remove the charge off notation." This, of course, assumes that you *have* been making regular, on time payments for some time. If not, then they're probably not likely to consider your request. Failing this, your other option is to dispute with the CRA's and hope that citi doesn't respond. The nutcase letters are designed for paid collections. Again, search here for nutcase. Did you have a bankruptcy? If not, then this is clearly incorrect. The first step here is to simply dispute with the CRA's. If that doesn't work, then try a goodwill to Victoria's Secret. HTH, Brett
I think Brett's advice is good, but I would keep it simple and start out by disputing all negatives as "not mine" with the cra's. There is a good chance that the paid collection accounts will not even verify and these accounts will be deleted. if they are verified, then i would try to good will or nutcase them
Thank you all for the great advice. I think I will not mine the other 2 collections with the CRA. Call Victoria Secret to get the incorrect information removed (I have never filed BK or defaulted on that account). It is just old and I hardly used it. I think I will try the Goodwill letter for Citibank. WISH ME LUCK!!!!
FYI, I "goodwilled" CMI a couple of weeks ago on a paid collection (it was small tho) and they up and deleted with within a couple of days.
That gives me some hope. I think this collection account was CM was small as well. If I goodwill them and nothing happens...am I stuck with the Paid Collection? I have another question, what letter do I use for the "not mine" argument (Validation?) and who does it go to the CRA or CA?
On the "goodwill" My thinking was that a goodwill could get the paid collection deleted without ruffling any feathers, with the option of going nutcase at a later date. I figured the other way around might leave them with a bad taste if the nutcase didn't work and I moved on to a goodwill. Basically I just said "Yadda yadda this is my only bad TL and it's keeping me from getting credit yet it's so small. I paid this as soon as I found out about it. You've been paid, and I hope we can all move on."
To all the great people on this board: I am planning to send this letter to Citibank, do you think it will fly? To Whom It May Concern: I am writing about my Citibank Checking Plus account number #####. Back in 2001, I went through a devastating separation which resulted in many difficult events such as my move out of New York City. This led to my getting behind in my finances and unfortunately this account went to collections. I mention this solely to give some background and not to dispute my responsibility for paying this account. That year served as a true â??wake-upâ? call for me regarding my finances. Since then I have learned essential financial management principles. Because this account is a negative mark on my credit report it may affect my ability to get credit. I realize that I made some mistakes in the past, but as you can see in my account history I've have mended my ways and have been making regular payments on my account. This account will be paid in full with the following two payments. I am hoping that you could find it in the goodness of your heart to remove the negative collections from my credit report for all three credit bureaus. I beg you to give me a second chance. I have been a Citibank MasterCard customer since 1992 and truly value my relationship with Citibank. I have only praise for your company and how it treats customers. I hope that you will be able to consider my request and extend a goodwill adjustment. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your reply.
I think it gets the point accross. I'd just change the "To whom it may concern" part. Anyway, you're lucky it's citibank. They have a good track record on given one time goodwill adjustments, and lots of people have had success with them.. myself included.
Thanks I will give it a try. I still don't know who to address my Citibank Goodwill letter to. I've been looking through the threads but haven't seen a good contact. I will try posting this on PFB but if anyone has a name...please let me know.
1*200 but Experian is reporting as Was A Collection 2*A Collection account from Credit Management...paid charge off/collection in 9/02. Have no idea what it this account was for? How can I get it removed. 3. Collection from Portfolio Recovery & AFFl. This was for an old phone bill that I had forgotten about. The amount was like $80 dollars...I didn't know then not to pay it so I did...now its a PAID Collection Oct. 2002 4. WFN Victorias Secret. TU payment status says "Unrated or bankruptcy". Is this negative reporting. The account says open...what do I do with this one. No payment info. has been reported since 1996. rubiela10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1*Are you paying A CA or CITI? 2*Validate 3*valisate 4*BK is a big Ding. What month of 96? Should be dropping off that month this year. THE END ** *** ** LB 59 http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49849 """""""""```~~~```'"""""""""
For the Citibank Checking Plus...I am paying Citibank. I figure their collections department. The Victoria's Secret is an error as I have never defaulted or BK at all. Should I call VS or should I contact the CRA as incorrect information?
Strike One... I received a letter from Citibank yesterday. Needless to say, I will not be getting the adjustment I begged for. This negative mark will stay now...won't it? I have to say that I am a bit down b/c this was my first shot at repairing my credit and it didn't work. I have much to learn....
Re: Re: Needed Ideas On How To Resolve!!! Write the CRA..."NEVER BK" "IF" you don't need the account ask them to remove it...since "UNRATED" accounts are USELESS!!!
Re: Re: Needed Ideas On How To Resolve!!! Thanks George for the advice on the VS account. I will dispute with CRA. Okay, so I got a no from Citibank about the adjustment request. But I think I figured out what I did wrong. I asked that the negative info. be removed when I should have asked that the correct info. be reported. Only TU is showing collections account and not pays as agreed. So I think I will wait a couple of months until I have paid the balance to see what is reported. In that case, I may use DanceRat's letter to OC in hopes that they will delete it. What do you guys think?