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Discover Balance Transfer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NJones, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. NJones

    NJones Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to tell everyone to call and do it over the phone! Online it said I could get a 9.9% BT for 12 months. I called, told them that my fixed rate on my Visa was 8.9% (true). She said, well, I can do 7.9% for 12 months. Also, take into consideration that I'm currently at the default rate (until next month) of 24.99% (I have a zero balance, though...) If you've been a better customer to them, they'd probably do better than 7.9%.

    I know that's a sucky balance transfer rate, but if it's all that's available to you...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I HAVE A HISSY WITH MY BT RATE OF 5.90% WITH DISCOVERCARD...and no limit increase for 2 years
  3. NJones

    NJones Well-Known Member

    5.9%? So, it does get better... I figured it would. If I could get 7.9% without the best internal history, then there must've been better...

    Thanks for the info...

    Next month, I'll be having my rate reduced, and trying to get a CLI and an upgrade to platinum from my titanium card. If not, a downgrade to the gold or classic! I want Cash Back!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Discover Balance Transfer

    BUT---They give "NEW" people one year at 0.00%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. NJones

    NJones Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Discover Balance Transfer

    I doubt I could open a new account! That stinks... They should treat their existing customers better! Have you tried to sockdrawer the card with no balance to see if they offer you something better?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Discover Balance Transfer

    I have SOCK-DRAWERED it many times...
  7. skittens

    skittens Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: Discover Balance Transfer

    I got a call yesterday from Discover offering 1.9% on balance transfers until Feb. 2004. I told them I had other cards at 0%, and they matched it, but since it was only until Feb. I didn't take it. This is an existing Discover account that I recently paid off a large balance on.

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