Sears card & Accountcare

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nyyanks81, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    Did anyone who applied for a Sears card also get a letter in the mail saying they were enrolled in their Accountcare protection program?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    SOUNDS insurance

    It is ILLEGAL to require that insurance to get the card!!!
  3. nyyanks81

    nyyanks81 Well-Known Member

    What kind of bull&$^% is Sears pulling! I applied in store for the card to receive a $10 discount on the first puchase.

    I have not yet received the actual Sears card in the mail but I did receive this stupid letter congratulating me in enrolling in Accountcare and all the benefits of it blah blah.

    Unbelievable! I didn't even enroll in it when I applied!

    The letter and the papers included are very tricky, it's made to look like you are not officially in the program until you mail back the part where you can sign and mail back indicating you acknowledge receiving it. But the first page thanks you for enrolling in it. So therefore it is not even necessary to mail that back since you have been already enrolled!

    The envelope this stuff comes in looks like it is junk mail until you open it and read every word!

    I think they hope people who receive it think its junk and toss it out so they can charge people for their service! Such nerve these folks have.

    It says if I call within 30 days, I will not be charged the 96 cents for every 100 dollars of balance.

    Now I have to call and talk to these morons to cancel!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


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