I got something deleted off a credit report as not mine....It showed up again after a year, what do i do? Thanks Me
Re: Re: what to do if.... I used the letter on the following post for Equifax. I faxed the letter to Robin Holland and in less than 2 hours I had a phone call from Chris, the vice pres. of consumer realtions. He called to tell me that the account has been deleted permanantly and it will not show up again. http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...=33498&highlight=72+and+hours+and+to+and+cure
Re: Re: Re: what to do if.... When something has been sitting for a year it never hurts to reup the letter. So here ya go: EQUIFAX INFORMATIONS SERVICES CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Re: CitiFinancial Commercial Credit Corp #607459121732* Dear Sirs, After a recent review of a credit report #XXXXXXXX, I obtained online via your website I noticed that account CitiFinancial Commercial Credit Corp #607459121732*, a previously investigated item which was deleted on August 16th, 2002 has suddenly reappeared back on my credit file. As a courtesy I have included with this fax a copy of the results for this item dated August 16th, 2002 furnished to me by your company. Sometimes mistakes happen and I understand this. This fax is to alert you to this mistake and to notify you that I expect the above listed account to be deleted from my credit file within 72hrs. of this fax. Obviously your company is aware of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the laws your company has a responsibility to adhere to. Per the FCRA: 611 Procedure in case of disputed inaccuracy [15 U.S.C. Ë? 1681i] (5)(B)(ii) (ii) Notice to consumer: If any information that has been deleted from a consumer file pursuant to subparagraph (A) is reinserted in the file, the consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertion in writing no later than 5 business days after the reinsertion or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency. (iii) Additional information: As part of, or in addition to the notice under clause (ii), a consumer reporting agency shall provide written notification of the reinsertion no less than 5 business days after the reinsertion You have failed miserably in your duty to notify me of this re-insertion, as I have received NOTHING from you. Quite frankly your company has not adhered to the laws you are governed under and this re-insertion of incorrect information is having astounding effects on my credit score and the closing of our first home next month. (C) Procedures to prevent reappearance. A consumer reporting agency shall maintain reasonable procedures designed to prevent the reappearance in a consumer's file, and in consumer reports on the consumer, of information that is deleted pursuant to this paragraph (other than information that is reinserted in accordance with subparagraph (B)(I)). You have not implemented the required procedures for avoiding such mistakes. There is cause for substantial damage on my part. If you ignore this demand or fail to respond accordingly I will file suit in Federal District Court in the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania County of Lehigh, within 3 business days after contacting your company via phone of receipt of this fax, YOU HAVE 72 HOURS TO CURE! I shall seek specific, statutory and punitive damages in excess of $100,000 for your willful failure and negligent noncompliance of federal law, in demand of a jury trial. I hope that this doesnâ??t have to go this far but be advised I will do just as Iâ??ve described if this isnâ??t taken care of immediately. Should you wish to call me, please speak to my husband MR. PISSED OFF CREDIT REPAIRER, he can be reached at: (123)456-7891 Thanks in advance for your urgent attention to this matter, it is appreciated! Very Truly Yours, PISSED OFF CONSUMER Cc: (1)File (1)Ruth Skoglund, Esquire (1)Pennsylvanua Attorney Generalâ??s Office (1)Georgia Attorney Generalâ??s Office (1)Federal Trade Commission Don't bother with Maynard Bryant though, a worthless slob who talks a lot but does very little. Try Robin.
Re: Re: Re: what to do if.... It's with experian......Great letter Butch thanks so much. Anyone knoe who to deal with at Experian? Thanks again Me
Re: Re: Re: what to do if.... It's with experian......Great letter Butch thanks so much. Anyone knoe who to deal with at Experian? Thanks again Me