Applying for CC's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dragracer, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. dragracer

    dragracer Member

    Someone a while posted information about applying for the Corvette card, the GM card and Union + card at the same time with only one hard inq. I searched for the thread but cannot find it. Does anyone know the link for this>

  2. bfit01

    bfit01 Active Member

    Just did it last night. I'm in AZ. Applied for GM approved for $1000 and Corvette approved for $2500. Checked PG today and only one pull shows up.
  3. dragracer

    dragracer Member

    Where did you go to apply?
  4. dragracer

    dragracer Member

    I guess what I meant to ask was did you fill out the applications separately, or is there a place where all three are considered with one application. HH website doesn't seem to provide this option.
  5. james

    james Well-Known Member

    If you fill out the applications for the three cards on the same day it will result in only one hard inq. They are separate applications.
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Why isn't the Household CC in with the other 4 subdsidiaries? Charlie

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