If you sued TU in Small Claims Court or you didn't and know anything regarding the following question, please post: Is the following conceivable at all? TransUnion's Fullerton, CA. office writes a letter to Conciliation Court (Small Claims) in Minneapolis, MN. to request an extension because no person in their office can make it on the set court date. Is there any reason to believe that a TU representative from the California office would appear in Minnesota in Small Claims Court? ------------------------------- The letter did not come from an attorney. The claim was filed for $2000. One of the claims is a Section 609(c) claim, "no toll free number" for TU's Priority Department. I have already expressed to TU that they are liable to every "Priority" consumer = class action. They know or should know that the largest issues are very well founded and virtually uncontestable Section 607(a) and Section 609(a)(3) claims, neither of which were named in the complaint. I have recently asked TU more than once (and before filing) in writing to indicate the date that my file was transferred to "Priority." NO response has been received. By virtue of my mention of "April 2002" in the complaint, it appears that I am filing to beat SOL. There are additional facts that give rise to what I think is the purpose of sending this letter and carbon copying me on it. Even without the facts above, is at all conceivable that a non attorney would come from California to Minnesota to appear in Small Claims Court on a $2K case? Your thoughts, please. thanks I am researching on West to see what I see.
I have run into a simular issue. I want to file in houston on these characters. The clerk told me I need to file in a precinct where the company is locacted or if it is a corp., where the registered agent is located. I want to file now. Can anyone help?
Space, you wanna file on TransU in Houston? I can find out the registered agent for you. Tell me what happened in your story, please. thanks Confirm that you want to file against TU in Texas and I will grab that info. who to name/serve.
to make it short and sweet they reinserted information without notifying me in writing. I also believe they are not verifying my accounts. I went to the court house to file and and was told I needed to file where the company was located.
"Is the following conceivable at all? TransUnion's Fullerton, CA. office writes a letter to Conciliation Court (Small Claims) in Minneapolis, MN. to request an extension because no person in their office can make it on the set court date." -ABSOLUTELY. This is their right to request a continuence "Is there any reason to believe that a TU representative from the California office would appear in Minnesota in Small Claims Court?" -A TU rep from ANY STATE can appear -"------------------------------ The letter did not come from an attorney." -Small claims court "One of the claims is a Section 609(c) claim, "no toll free number" for TU's Priority Department. I have already expressed to TU that they are liable to every "Priority" consumer = class action." -A question. Can you call the regular toll free number and be connected to the "priority dept"? THIS MAY BE THE DEFINING FACTOR IN YOUR CLAIM. "Even without the facts above, is at all conceivable that a non attorney would come from California to Minnesota to appear in Small Claims Court on a $2K case?" -A better way to look at it is that ANY REP FROM ANY STATE can appear -EMAIL ME! I have a great attorney in MN you can contact
-LOOK AT THE LINK BELOW about sueing "Any question on whether collection cases can be filed in small claims court can be answered if we look at FDCPA 813 (9) and FCRA 618. A question that comes up is what is the proper jurisdiction. Well, a consumer's credit report can be concidered "personal property", therefore the "damage" occured wherever you are. "(d) An action to enforce any liability created by this title may be brought in any appropriate United States district court without regard to the amount in controversy, or in any other court of competent jurisdiction, within one year from the date on which the violation occurs." "
hiding, thanks, I am sure taht I know the atty, either Tommy or Pete. lol, no? I am looking in Chicago, likely ECL. I can be transferred to voice mail from the 800#, but that is it. My calls have not been returned for a long time, over 2 months. Yeah, I know that they "can" appear, but do you think that it would really happen? thanks