Denied @ BOA, next step ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by johnl, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. johnl

    johnl Well-Known Member

    Applied to BOA for their Platinum card on-line.
    Was denied the next day for:

    1. Number of trade lines now current
    2. Average age of accounts in credit file

    My FICO (fako) on TU is 706.

    No negatives, nothing..

    Many accounts that I have had including, Discover, Macys, JC Penney and Sears do not show on the TU report. I have maintained good standing with several cc account for over 20 years, but unfortunately do not show on my TU report.

    My question: Is is best to use planted feedback or place a call to BOA?

    I have read previous posts discussing Robin, a CSR. Has anyone had recent experience dealings with her to ask BOA to reconsider an application for a new account?
  2. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    plantet feedback
  3. hiding90

    hiding90 Banned

    First wait and see if the send a denial statement to you as required by law :)
  4. cmoney

    cmoney Active Member

    BOA has a well documented (here and elsewhere) history of being very responsive to planetfeedback. Worked for me after initial denial.

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