I have a $200 debt with an OC, DOLA is 3/2000. In 2002, I noticed that a CA had placed this item on all three credit reports with a past due amount of about $2000. I disputed a few times with all three CRAs and the account was eventually deleted on all the reports. There were no collection attepts from the CA. Flash forward to December 2003, when I received a letter in the mail for this same account, but with a new CA. They claimed that they were collecting on two accounts for the OC and the total owed was well over $3000. I sent a validation request the following day (CMRR) and the CA responded with a sketchy computer printout showing my name and address, but with no explanation of the amount owed, why there were two accounts now, etc. I followed their letter with a 2nd validation request (CMRR) stating that their attempt at validation fell short of the legal requirements, and I again asked for them to give me sufficient evidence that I owe this debt. The CA responded to my 2nd letter by sending two more collection letters. This was in February. Didn't do anything at this point since I got busy with work and just didn't have the free time to devote to dealing with the issue. Since the account had not been placed on any of my credit reports at this time (and still hasn't), and becuase the letters that the CA were sending were so ridiculous, I didn't take their threats too seriously. One week ago, I received another collection letter from the CA. They even gave me 4 choices in the letter (how nice of them!): 1. to pay the full amount, 2. to send part now and part on ___ date, 3. to send the full amount on ___ date, or 4. have the CA hire an attorney and sue me. So what should I do at this point? It appears that I have them on a few continued collection violations b/c they never actually validated the debt. But I am hesitant to start threatening legal action just in case they decide to countersue for the debt (I do believe that I correctly owe the original $200 debt). The SOL in VA is 5 years, so I have almost a year before I'm safe from their legal action. Any advice/thoughts/help? Thanks
Are the CA's legal to collect? (see my link) Before proceeding, it's a good idea to find that out first as it may answer questions quickly.