Car stolen/Gap Insurance

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dacoldest, May 24, 2004.

  1. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Sorry to say guys that my 2002 dodge stratus was stolen last week. Which really, really, really sucks especially since I was in the market to buy a house. anyway does anyone know how gap insurance work.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  3. MarvBear

    MarvBear Member

    GAP insurance will pay whatever deficiency your automobile insurance does not pay towards any loan currently outstanding on the subject vehicle.

    Some GAP policies will also pay your insurance deductible plus any payments in arrears subject to certain limitations.

    You should look at the GAP policy you were given when you purchased the car. It should tell you how to file a claim. If you do not have the policy, you can visit the dealership where you purchased the vehicle for a copy.

    If you purchased the GAP policy from an outside vendor, you will need to contact that vendor for instructions on filing a claim if you do not have your copy.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance

  5. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance

    In the event that the car does not come back and the insurance company pays it off. Can anyone tell how it would appear on my credit and will it help on hurt my credit.
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance

    To avoid any blemish on your credit, check with your loan company about whether or not you need continue to make payments until your insurance pays. You would get your money back, just keep good records.
  7. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance





    ....regardless of what the lender says. You can get the money back later, but credit lates will haunt you. Don't trust a minimum-wage phone rep to give you good information.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance

    In the event that the car does not come back and the insurance company pays it off. Can anyone tell how it would appear on my credit and will it help on hurt my credit.
    da coldest
    I didn't know they reported stolen cars to the CRAs.
  9. MarvBear

    MarvBear Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen/Gap Insurance

    In the event the vehicle is not recovered and your insurance makes the required payment AND the GAP policy pays the remainder.........then the loan will report as a paid out tradeline.

    Depending on how you have paid this tradeline will determine how this will affect your credit file and scores.
  10. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Car stolen

    My car was recovered in Indianapolis, In along with the individual who took it. Apparently it was a 17 year, but he was not charged with auto theft because the police there did not believe I would come there and testify against him. One has anyone every heard of the victim having to testify against someone that stolen there car and two if he was driving the stolen car at the time and the arresting officer see the ignition is smash why would he not be charged with theft.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    Where was it stolen from?
  12. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    Have you gotten it back yet?
    Were there any damages?
  14. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    Yes in pursuit of the person they caused back end damage and the indivdual smashed the ignition when he 1st sole it. Who know what else he did to it.
  15. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    that really sucks that they wouldnt press charges. I know I would. Well since the police did not press charges how will you be able to get your money for damages?

  16. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    that really sucks that they wouldnt press charges. I know I would. Well since the police did not press charges how will you be able to get your money for damages?

  17. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    suggestion if the police didn't arrest him you could contact your states district attorney's office and request prosecution I'm sure the police dept at least took a police report of that incident . normal practice is for the police dept at least in Ca to forward the charges to the DA if there is enough supporting evidence which it sounds like there is, the DA will pursue legal charges.

    another suggestion you could have requested that the suspect be placed under citizens arrest if you were present, the police can not refuse to under those circumstances or it is I believe either a misdemenor or felony on that officer.

    ck out and ask an attorney a free legal question from your state, I would ck under criminal law.

    hope this helps :)
  18. chipper

    chipper Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    Just a side note:
    On your credit report, it will show as "Car reported stolen".

    Also, when a crime is committed, it does not always take a victim to testify, as the District Attorney (the people) is the one pressing charges.

    In certain cases, most often those of domestic violence, the victim may reconcile with his/her partner, yet the D.A. will still press charges as a crime has been committed against the state, regardless of whether or not a victim is present to testify.

    I would contact the D.A. in Chicago, where the car was stolen, as it is their jurisdiction. I would also obtain a copy of the police report, which was filed when the car was recovered, as you have the right to see it.
  19. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Car stolen

    Ok so far the 17 year old has been charged with resisting arrest and have 1 pack of drugs on him. I received paper from Indianapolis Saturday asking for my damages, after they receive the papers he will be formally charged. Another thing I can do is have the Chicago Police put of a warrant form his arrest causing him to have to come to
    Chicago to face trial. Why couldn't't he just do me the favor and make my car permanently disappear less hassle.

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