number of "not mine" disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by atttaboy, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    I've read a few different things on here regarding the number of CRA disputes to tackle simultaneously. One is to dispute a maximum of 4-5 TLs at a time to the CRAs. If I only have 4-5 negs on each, and I dispute them all, will it be deemed frivilous since I'm disputing all of the derogs? Or should I dispute 2-3 and then wait ~ 30 days and dispute the rest?

    If you've got advice or experience with this, please let me know. All of my derogs are old upaid charge-offs past the GA SOL for collections...

    And, what is a good tactic to get all old addresses remove from the CRAs, they are not removing 1 of my addresses that is tied to some "bad stuff."

  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    You've gotta use common sense based on your individual report....the 4-5 at a time is just a guide for people have a dozen or more derogs...If you dispute 5 derogs, and only have 5 derogs....well, come on it looks fishy no? I would do a max of 2 the first go around and and save the other 3 for the next go around....or vice versa...

    As for the address, call them before disputing any of the derogs and tell them you never lived at that address.........

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