How bad really?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fingrrrl, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    I got a little behind in my bills recently due to unemployment and have amassed 4 30-day lates on my reports, 1 for each of my 4 credit cards. My reports say I'm now current, which I am, so I'm wondering, how bad is a 30-day late really, especially if I'm back on track? I know its potency lessens over time, but I wonder how bad it is right away, especially since, like I said, I'm back to being current. I mean, almost everyone has been late at one time or another. Thanks.
  2. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing this is NOT post-BK, right?

    I have one tiny little late-30-days POST-BK7 and even though it's over 16 months ago I still get to hear about it in a denial letter.
  3. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    No it's not post-BK
  4. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Well THAT should be a huge plus, then.

    Are you asking "how bad" in terms of FICO?

    I'm sure someone WITHOUT a BK can help reassure you that you're back on track. The one good thing is that you have a very legit excuse (unemployed) so if you needed to explain the late it's not tough. (like for a mortgage.)
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    You may wanna give the card company a call.....they ususally do a 1 time courtesy of not reporting you...if it's your first late...say you were on vacation and didn't realize it until after the fact and it's hurting your score for mortgage purposes....they'll do a good will and get rid of it for you......

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