Citibank :-(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CKline, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. CKline

    CKline New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I have a problem that I am hoping to find an answer to. If someone could take a few moments to help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Basically, I have a credit card at Citibank. I have had this card for about 10 years (or close to it). I even had an auto-pay feature turned on in order to make sure the payments were made on time. Then, I was laid off.

    My next job located me outside the US. I had taken money out of the bank account and had moved it to another one - but - I had fixed it at my job so that money was constantly being sent to the old account on a monthly basis. This worked out OK until I reached the CC limit. The minimum payment surpassed the amount in the account. They tried to collect the money 2 times in 1 month - back to back. I spoke to someone and she said that it had been done 3 times before I found out.

    The banks do not want to send me information outside the country. Supposedly because of the Patriot Act. I had to send it to my mom's house and she fowards it to me. She is very much faithful with it - but - there is a lag time. I have asked for an e-mail of my statements but no dice! I tried to switch the auto collection so that it comes to the bank outside the US but they would not accept it.

    Anywho, because the check bounced 4 times (so they say) between January and February, they have closed my account. Currently, there is a balance of about $13,000 and they will not reopen it - yet - I have to pay the money off. This is no problem, I want to pay it off. It is just that if I funnel some money to this area, then I don't have anything for others - and no emergency stash. In the meantime, the payments are about $300 per month.

    I have tried to settle but they will not do it. I was so angry and told them that I currently am working outside the US, I had already purchased my house. I could stop making the $300 payments and let it go into collection.

    I really do hate these people sometimes. The card is useless to me now. I have no slow pays or late pays on my credit report from Citibank - but - they have closed my account because of 4 "bounced checks" and these bounces came because of the Auto Pay. I told them my situation. Still no go.

    I think the thing that bugs me is that I have been there for about 10 years. I have paid the card down several times - not paid off - but paid down. They have totally thrown this aside and now I am treated as though I was a leper (sp?) After almost 10 years -paying on time AND paying down.

    Sorry for rambling ...

    Is there anything I can do? Please help :-(

  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Try going to and sending a complaint to their executive office.

    Make sure you tell them not to call because you're outside the country, that they should e-mail you.

    If you can't do it through PFB, send a certified letter to the executive office.

    Are you with the government or a commercial company outside the country?
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I use citibank and opted for no paper statements through... You can do that....and the planetfeedback.....

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