Guys, if I want to apply for 4 cards, is it best to send the applications all at once or one after the other receiving an approval or denial before sending the next application? Thanks!
that question is too broad? What do each company pull? Is it the same company more than once? What are you applying for and what is your credit status? be detailed mate if you want an answer
Different issuers, all big. The question is: do I have a better chance of approval if I apply for all of the cards at the same time or if I wait for a reply on first application, then send in the second, then wait for a reply on second and then send in the third and so on. My credit score is above 710. Thank you.
When my score hit 701, I applied for everything and my mother LOL I got almost everything and my score didn't take a hit til almost 30 days and martysgirl...oh, the good ol days!!! Do a search and you'll see the old 1 month I got : amex 2 citi bestbuy chevron macys and I "think" that was it.......LOL