Long story short, I had a dispute with Experian in which the date due was on the 9th of this month. I checked on the status yesterday (the 10th) and 2 of my disputes were still "pending". I printed the page from their own site saying the date of my check (the 10th) and their dispute due date (the 9th). This in itself in my mind means they were over the thirty-day limit. Now this morning at 4:30am (the 11th) I get my SuperCaps email. Late but received and the results of the investigation show the disputes that were in "pending" status marks as "reviewed". What is that?????? "Reviewed" What are my options, I disputed these as never late. Do I have a chance on this status or should I just look for delete. I feel I have a leg to stand on, being it took over 30 days, but I'm not sure. And again what does "reviewed" mean??? I did some searches and came up with nothing. Advise Please, Thanks in advance.