Getting hard inquiries removed...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by luckymom, Jan 25, 2003.

  1. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    It depends on how they are coded. TU has a section The companies listed below received your name, address, and other limited...

    And another that says, The companies listed below obtained information from your consumer report...

    EQ Has a plethora of alphabetical codes before the name AR, PRM, etc.

    Experian - the best I can figure is you have to call.

    So, where are they showing up. PRMs and the first TU above, they don't need your approval because the are receiving limited information. You can call a number and have those blocked.
  2. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    Lets see...

    Cap 1 -
    TU- 2002: 1 hard (open account), 4 data, 0 ARs
    EQ- 2002: 0 hard, 0 data, 3 ARs
    EX- 2002: 1 hard (same date as TU), 9 unknown.
    2001: 10 unknown

    Citi - 2002 pulls
    EQ- 2002: 5 hard, 0 data, 12 AR

    So I want to find out why (and what) Cap 1 was pulling without an account and why Citi needed to do hard pulls when they did AR pulls every month?

    I have quite a few hard pulls from other places too - USA Bank x 4, Discover x 3, Chase, MBNA, etc. Discover, Chase, and MBNA all have current accounts - so why are they doing hard pulls? Might a goodwill letter requesting removal do me any good?
  3. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    I was under the impression that hard inquiries were from where you applied for credit and that was the only reason. If you have an account then all they should do are soft inquiries. If this is actually the case then you should have a violation of FCRA for no permissable purpose. I am still learning and may be wrong.
  4. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm going to send the nasty letter to Cap 1, and I am going to try a goodwill inquiry removal first for the others since I have accounts with them maybe it will help. If not, I will send them the nasty one next. I guess it can't hurt to ask them to prove it.

    By the way, how would they prove that I actually authorized a hard inquiry?
  5. kristof

    kristof New Member

    Removing hards from EQ is easy. Just call them up and they will disappear from your CR in 24 hours
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Getting hard inquiries removed...

    Just call and ask them to remove all your hards and they will in 24 hours?
  7. kristof

    kristof New Member

    Re: Re: Getting hard inquiries removed...

    You don't want to dispute all the inquiries at once. I disputed five on wednesdsay morning by calling EQ and the lady told me she would be more than happy to delete them from my CR. I told her I never gave these companies authorization to pull my credit. I also disputed them online with TU, gonna see what happens with that.

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