Capital One is FULL of it

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NoBull, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. NoBull

    NoBull New Member

    I applied for a Capital One Hassle Free card, as advertised. Already have a Capital one Gold VISA, opened since early 1998, paid on time each current balance...FICO score of derogatories...2400 dollar CL.

    Get this letter in the mail denying my application, saying that I have too many inquiries on my credit report, and not enough credit history. (The only reason I have several inquiries is because I was replacing my cards with lower interest cards, with more benefits). Turns out that despite my EXCELLENT track record with them, they pulled credit reports from ALL THREE credit bureaus.

    I called them and all they could do was say that they are a very "conservative" credit provider. The rep even said that I should have been approved with a credit report and score like that, as well as my escellent track record with the company itself but could do nothing.

    Guess once my other, lower rate and more advantageous cards arrive, I will be taking scissors to my Capital One card and say adios to this company.

    ANY SUGGESTIONS? Do I have any recourse? Or should I just forget it? Thanks
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Try PFB'ing it.

    That gets your issue to the presidents office.

    Include the application reference number on the adverse action notice.

    Simply state your case as to why their rejection was incorrect, just like you did here.
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I had the same great track record since 1999, when I called to get my annual fee waived for the year they did........and closed my oldest TL...when I called I got a SOL even though I never requested it and it showed on my report "as per customers request"........that's how they thanked me....I thanked them by saying FU and NEVER doing business with them again...I HATE THEM, THEY HAVE THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! My oldest TL is now 2002.......A$$HOLES!!!!!!!!!!
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  5. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    I havn't been here for a long time but one thing that hasn't change is how sucky Cap1 is..

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