Cap1 Account Issue

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MannyL, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    According to I have a new account that posted to my credit file

    Business Name CAP 1 BANK
    Date Opened 03/2002
    Balance Date 08/2004
    Balance Amount $0.00
    Status Date 08/2004
    Payment Status 5

    This was from Experian so I believe a 5 is 150-179 Days pase due, but how can I have a past due account with a balance of 0

    However this account was charged off 8/2003 on my Experian report then has been reported as Current for every month after that. Experian has it Charged off as of 7/2003 with No Data until 8/2004 where it is marked as current.

    Looking at the report I pulled 7/25 I see it listed as Charged off as bad debt then the payments I made show up as of 02/2004 for Experian.

    I think this accounf should not show as past due at all, what letter do you suggest I send and do I send to to Experian or Capital One
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This was from Experian so I believe a 5 is 150-179 Days pase due, but how can I have a past due account with a balance of 0
    Just cause you paid it down to zero did not erase or void the fact that one time you were past due.

  3. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    The verbal agreement was that they would reage the account and show it as being paid on time and thye did not do that
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You're hurting here B Cause don't have a paper trail
  5. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Cap1 Account Issue

    Yes I know I don't have a paper trail. I did everything verbally with all my OC's and now need to get myself out of this hole. It's Cap1 and the others that I paid off for less than full value with a verbal agreement that they would make it paid in full that are making it hard for me to improve my credit
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Cap1 Account Issue

    Paid in full and never late are 2 different things...they are reporting paid in full, as they said they would, but now your problem is the lates...which will get better with time so really you could do 1 or 3 things...

    1, dispute as never late and hope for the best...with the cra

    2, try a good will letter

    3, do nothing at let it age

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