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CA posting payment history

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by parithed86, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    Are collection accounts supposed to post a payment history like an installment account?
    I have some that post one time and that is it. They dont update and the little circles with the 24 mo. payment historys only have something in the month that they posted.
    Others post, then update every month. They show CO in the little circles under the account in the '24mo payment history"
    Which way are they supposed to show?
    How do I get them fixed?
    My reports are VERY screwed up.. FULL of errors. I call the CRA and they all admit that the reports are full of errors and they say that is the way that the OC are reporting and their business is just to report.. not to decide what is reported.
    For example, my EQ report shows 10 open accounts. It should be 2. My TU report shows 13 open accounts.
    I have been working on this almost full time since may and have had 14 collections deleted and a judgement deleted but I just cant get up to that 600 point and I am really getting tired. I feel that I have tried everything.
    I am not asking for special treatment,, just for the CORRECT info to be reported. ALL at the same time!
    Very frustrated.
  2. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    It's all very frustrating and overwhelming, you want the CA off the reports COMPLETELY....don't worry about how they report you paying...are you paying monthly? Did you ask for deletion in exchange? Don't do anything if you don't get deletion, we need more details....just stay strong and KEEP going, It's very frustrating at times but this all does work...don't give up and stand your ground...

    Here's me...(frustrated LOL)


    Here's me 3 months later (VERY happy and prime)

  4. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    These are Emergency room bills. We asked the Hospital about them deleting when we pay and they said NO NO NO...
    So we are NOT going to pay them!
    BUT this is what they are looking like.. they only show on Experian....
    Acct Type: Collection
    Status: closed
    date open: 11/1/2001
    terms: 1 month
    payment status: Seriously past due date/assigned to attorney, collection agency, or credit grantors internal collection department

    comments: 24 mo. payment history
    Oct 2003- CO
    May 2004- CO
    June 2004- CO
    July 2004- CO
    Aug 2004- CO

    There are three of these accounts.. all reporting the same way..
    My other collection account that I have only posts one time then doesnt update.. It is like a snapshot in time deal... This was actually opened 3 years ago.. yet on the Credit Keeper account, where it lists what accounts are having low, med. or high impact on your scores,, this lists as high impact.
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Have you written any letters to any of these CAs? If not, you first need to send out valadation letters, then you can move foward.........
  6. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    yes, already did that.
  7. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Did they reply? Are you still paying them?
  8. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    Yup, they responded to the validation letters by sending us copies of our emergency room bills. This is three bills, one from 2002, and 2 from 2001.
    We had assumed that our insurance had paid them because this is a hospital that takes our insurance and during all of our other dealings with this hospital, our insurance paid in full.
    So there are a couple of drs there in the ER that dont accept this insurance... ( even though everyone else there does..) and I guess that they have a little sign posted in the emergency room that says that... But THIS IS THE EMERGENCY ROOM!! who is reading little signs?
    All of our children were born here and we never even had a deductable.
    So, dealing with the Emergency people, the OC. we sent a check for these bills as they gave us their verbal agreement to deleted with payment. So, after a week, we called back and the person that answered the phone said no way, they will not deleted it. So we said "no way we will not pay" and stopped payment on the check.
    This is not a CA that is being so hard about this! THis is the OC, the local Emergency room for crying out loud!!!
    We have told them that when they send us a letter saying that they will delete when we pay, we will pay.
    They wont budge on this!! We explained to them that it doesnt help our credit to pay if they wont delete.
    We have not tried calling the CA on this, heard that you should do that, although we have had luck with it in the past...
    So yes, we do owe the debt. Yes it is unpaid but we do have the ability to pay and we are willing.
    THey just wont budge.
  9. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Hate to ask a million questions but it'll help you in the long run........have you tried asking the CA to delete for payment? They are the ones mostly likely to take money for deletion...the OC, or hospital in this case has all ready written off the dept and gotten a tax benefit whereas this is how a CA makes money....forget the OC if they aren't reporting and attack the CA....
  10. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    Havent tried that yet!! will do that first thing Monday morning!
  11. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    BTW, a bill is not validation. I can make a bill on my computer with anyones address.
  12. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    BTW, a bill is not validation. I can make a bill on my computer with anyones address.
  13. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    heres a few different thoughts.

    1. have you disputed these accounts with the CRA ? if not do that first.

    2. how do you know that your insurance didn't pay and the hospital is double billing to make extra $ have you contacted your insurance company about the alledged bill or charges?

    3. is the debt past SOL ?

    4. who is reporting the acct on your CR the OC or the CA?

    I had a CA contact me in the past for an outstanding bill that I was never informed of by the hospital, after some research and speaking to my old insurance carrier I discovered the hospital failed to bill my insurance, it was there error and I was not held liable.

    hope this helps.
  14. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    does your state allow restrictive endorsements?

    if so thats one way to pay for deletion.
  15. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    What are restrictive endorsements? I have never heard of them!
    Wow you guys have alot of info!
    It is still in stat. of Limit. There are three with the same CA... all for Emergency room visits.
    We were never billed for these visits and assumed that our insurance had paid them in full since they had always paid everything else for this hospital, and its Drs before for the last 18 years.
    Then three collection show up. One from 2 years ago. All on Experian alone. I have tried disputing with the CRA and they came back verified as correct.
    I will check out with the insurance if they can see where they paid them. We just turned our insurance co. on to a dentist that was suing us for $4000 worth of dental work that he did not do and had already billed and received payment from our insurance for this "phantom" work also............ so they owe us. and the insurance company is local. We can stop right into their office so should be easy to check on.

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