Happy Holidays, A friend of mines called me to inquire about where she can get an unsecured personal loan for 5,000 to 10,000. Her fico is about 543 mid score. She has disputed all the negative items on her report on December 1, and so far none of the creditors have responded. Is there a lender that will approve her for a unsecured loan with her cedit score. Her income is 39,000.00 a year and she dont have alot of Debt. Thanks, Global1
A friend of mines called me to inquire about where she can get an unsecured personal loan for 5,000 to 10,000. Her fico is about 543 mid score. She has disputed all the negative items on her report on December 1, and so far none of the creditors have responded. Is there a lender that will approve her for a unsecured loan with her cedit score. Her income is 39,000.00 a year and she dont have alot of Debt. probably not with a score that low and no gaurantor or security, but u don't know till u try.... and disputes take minimum 30 days to remove or deny, and sometimes months to fight with a CA ask around to several lenders B4 they start pulling her report. they will be able to tell u a min score needed and all other criteria. good luck!