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The wonderful 3! any help appr....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Oct 12, 2001.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd share. It took me about a year to clean up my equifax report ( I started disputing all 3 bureaus at the same time). The only thin left on my report is a paid charge off that is actually mine, that will 'fall' off in a year, so I'm not too concerned with it. However TU is a whole other story, I have disputed with them about every 45 days (mine and my hubbys report) and lets say I dipute 10 things, they only check into 5 of them and keep the other 5 on there with a note saying 'consumer disputes'. They also have my student loan as an 'adverse acct.' I have never paid late, but I lowered my payment on it thru the loan company. When I contacted the loan company they said I wasn't late and they dont understand it, when I contacted TU they said 'they' (TU) considers it adverse when I said I was going to call the FTC to check into it they hung up, big surprise.
    Experian, well at least they have never been nasty, but they have been taking their time verify things, other things they just delete. My hubby and I want to buy a house next year, its mostly his report with the neg stuff on it, any suggestions?
  2. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    The motleyfools board has a good mortgage forum. I am also planning to buy a house next year. and have found a lot of usefull info on that board.

    Also there is a broker called david dunhoff on that forum. Very nice and knowledgable person. Momof3 told me about him. Post some question on that forum about buying a house and he will be bound to reply.
  3. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    Have you tried online disputes? In some cases I have had better luck with them, even after disputing by mail unsuccessfully.
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have with experian and equifax, but TU I guess the only way to dispute anything with them is via US Mail, I've asked them for a fax number but they won't give me any info, not even about my own report.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Ta DA!!!! the benefits of belonging to this group. You can dispute TU online if you have a copy of an old report, even if it is out of date.

    And you can fax them

    TU = 714-447-6032 (CA), 610-546-4605 (PA)


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