Want to rent apt in Los Angeles

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CAmove, Oct 12, 2001.

  1. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Actually your probably from Las Vegas, NV the bankruptcy capital of the world where all the struggling artists are waiting to get to L.A. Oh, and let me guess you are in the 17-23 year range right?
    And why do you have a charge off? Maybe because you and your struggling artist friends are trying to make something happen instead of paying your bills like you should. Maybe if you started being responsible with your income, you can save yourself an awful lot of hassles that many of these post BK board posters presently have. If you pay your bills in a timely fashion you can have the world by the balls......
  2. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Wrong again, on both accounts. I suppose you can just keep guessing until you stumble upon the right answer...

    BTW, you and I seem to have some very different ideas of what having "the world by the balls" actually looks like. Amazingly, having a 750 credit score doesn't equal ultimate success or happiness to me.

    Gee, who woulda thought...
  3. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Well paying your bills that YOU incurred feels a hell of alot better than defaulting.There is more to life than a credit score...but, being fiscally responsible makes things a hell of a lot easier.
  4. making

    making Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Looks like someone has been reading "How To Win Friends And Influence People"...
  5. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Thats right Making. Honesty is the best policy, people can rip on me and say what they want, but I'm totally honest. It seems as if some people just don't care, abuse the system, run up bills
    and then default. Now certain circumstances involving death or llness clearly are different. However, when one knowingly runs up bills, lives beyond his or her means and then files for bk that is unacceptable. So they can say what they want about me but I'm being honest.
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    So Sean, why are you here, exactly? I mean if you are going to berate the people here who have learned the errors of their ways, then I suggest you keep your sorry excuse for a mouth shut. You have done nothing but start a flame war with CAmove, and you didn't even take the time to learn the circumstances of the move. What if I were to tell you that I'm moving to Phoenix, I have no job, almost a 4-year education (2-year degree already), and no place to live. My car won't make it, so I can't live in that. Would you tell me that Arizona is just across the border of California and that I'm a starving artist also? If you would, you are sorely mistaken. Please take the time to ask questions and learn of peoples circumstances before you judge them.
  7. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    hey Erica,

    If you paid your bills you wouldn't have to move up from subprime hell. People on this board who don't have a clue how to handle money are giving out advice as if they were experts. Clean up your own house first Erica before you give out advice. The people on this board develop personalities (ie Erica, moving up from subprime hell. You are anything but qualified to give out advice, because you can't handle your own finances) I pay my bills and handle mine and am a C.P.A. so I am, by education and trade, qualified. So Erica, you know where you can shove it.
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    The personality you developed makes you (CPA) no better than me (deadbeat, you called me that in no specific words). You came here and took unnecessary jabs at people without learning their situations. I am doing the same to you.

    Personally, I could care less that you are a CPA, and why you felt the need to tell me that. You can take your CPA degree and shove that also.

    You didn't answer my question...

    ANd BTW, my bills are paid. Judge Judy, I mean Sean.
  9. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    I figured you would be the kind of person that would watch that type of show (judge Judy). Again, people who are bottom feeders think they are experts even though they can't handle their own finances.
  10. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    If you are qualified, then why don't you give some advice instead of giving people hell? You still haven't answered my question.
  11. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    I've given advice and instead people on this board are quick to rip on me for telling them not to file for BK. I try to help and then get ripped on instead.
  12. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Well, even though I dislike you, I agree with the no BK thing. You still haven't answered my question.
  13. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Alright, Erica I know I seem like a real a******, actually I am a very nice guy who truly cares. I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I just get upset when I try to help and get ripped on for doing just that. Have a nice day.
  14. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    You didn't offend me, but I know that you will choose your words of advice more carefuly next time, won't you?

    Anyways, have a great day, too! :)
  15. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Yes, indeed.....Take care Erica :).
  16. mother2

    mother2 Well-Known Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    Ok, smart-@$$....what about my situation. I'm moving up from sub-prime hell as well! I know what HELL is caused I lived it. I'm what you call "A SURVIVOR" of domestic violence. I was the bread winner in my family. We were living "large". We wasn't rich but not far from it. But you know something....all my degrees and money could not prepare me for the what "LIFE" had in stored for me. I went from prosperity to poverty!!! AND I DO MEAN ROCK A$$ BOTTOM! But I was given a second chance at life. I can't say I made any financial mistakes....I did everything (by the book referred by my CPA) to have a nice retirement fund, invested money, lived below my means (yes, I'm cheap), paid my bills on time. I did this with cash and was told I needed credit in order to "get farther". So I went out and did just that....now my credit history is ruined. I lost almost everything....ALMOST I say because I still have my LIFE and my children. I didn't file bk, although my divorce lawyer told me I should have. This was after the fact of my cleaning up my credit, disputing, etc...

    This board has helped me far more than anyone else. The people who contribute on this board are great. Whether you take their advice or don't that is up to the individual. There is no need for negative remarks on this board. You seem to put people down without knowing their entire situation. Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes, you shouldn't judge. Besides, you never know what road life is going to take YOU down. And I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people were bashing or misjudging you.

    What kind of advice can you give to those who lost their jobs after the WTC tragedy?? Hmmm....I wonder....Instead of pointing your finger, what don't you put them into that big fat wallet of yours and donate some of your hard earned money, to help out some of the people here...MR CPA? Or give free advice or services to those who really need it. (Although with your attitude I wouldn't want it) There are probably people on this board right now who can buy YOU and YOUR company. Even if their credit is less than perfect. If you were that darn smart...you would know that this is a fact! Why don't you take some of that money you're embezeling and buy yourself a heart!

    Sorry guys....I know this isn't like me...but I just couldn't stand it anymore....the nerve of that guy. Forgive me folks.
  17. CAmove

    CAmove Active Member

    Re: To Sean, with love

    This is what I don't understand: if Sean is so smart and has it all figured out, why the hell is he posting here? I only started posting here, because I had a specific issue to work out...

    And if he thinks he's here to help people, I hope he now understands he has failed miserably. :(

    The only other option is this: he comes here to gloat. To make himself feel bigger (less invisible maybe?) through the prism of other people's losses and suffering. I really hope I'm wrong in that respect. That would be pathetic.
  18. curiouser

    curiouser Well-Known Member

    Re: CA move--neighborhhod run-down


    I teach at LMU which is right up the bluff from Marina Del Rey. I'm also a commuter so I can give you some ideas on places that are communting hell and others that aren't too bad. Here are a couple of neighborhoods where you might want to look. Some of them have been mentioned.

    Culver City/Palms -- rents aren't too outrageous and you are 15-20 minutes from MDR (are you going to be attending Antioch?). Choose carefully -- some neighborhoods in these cities are fine and others are more than a little bit scary.

    Venice -- mixed bag in rents. Close to the beach and they are sky high for a studio that even the rats avoid. Other rents are more affordable. Also check neighborhoods closely -- not known but some areas of Venice have a gang problem as bad as the Rampart division.

    Santa Monica -- you may be exceptionally lucky and land a rent control apartment, but it will still be expensive. Stay away north of Wilshire, great neighborhood, but costly. You may have some luck around Santa Monica College (20th & Pico) and the Sunset Park area. Also don't discount Ocean Park -- occasionally a really wonderful bargain pops up.

    Hollywood -- In the "flats," apartments are affordable. In the "hills," you'll find some architectural treasures from the 1920's but you'll pay for the charm. If you are going as far east as Hollywood, you might as well look in the Silver Lake/Los Feliz area. Silver Lake will be a bit cheaper than Los Feliz. Also this area is going through a renaissance, so the rents are beginning to go up.

    Miracle Mile/Wilshire District/Koreatown -- some great apartments here and still affordable. A friend is renting a huge apartment (2000 s.f., living room, formal dining room, large kitchen, large bedroom, huge walk-in closet and bath) for $700 (near Wilshire and Normandie). He's on a street where all the buildings are four-plexes built in the 1920s. Drawback of neighborhood--all parking is street parking and there isn't enough. Also there are situations where as many as ten people are living in an apartment meant for 1-2 people, so the neighborhood can get very noisy.

    Westwood/Brentwood -- very expensive and apartments for students tend not to be maintained too well.

    The Valley -- affordable, but the commute can be an issue. It's at the point where there is no good time to drive the 405. You might be better off to go to the west Valley, Woodland Hills area. You're farther away, but you can take the canyons to the coast and get to the Marina that way.

    I've probably given you more info than you wanted. If you have a question about a specific area, feel free to post and I'll let you know what I know.

    Good luck.
  19. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Mother - Thanks for sharing ....

    your personal story. Domestic violence is an awful thing and the person who commits the violence
    is the true coward. AND, I know it is a horrible situation, and just as difficult to walk away from.

    Bless you - God gave you these challenges for a reason - and you will benefit - and you know that.
    It sounds like you have a wonderful family. I am envious!

    My reason for my Chap 13 was AIDS. I was exposed through both drugs and sex - before it was even a known disease. Cocaine and longevity were my specialties.
    As my previous posts indicate, God spared me and gave me the chance at life through an AIDS drug combination! It worked in MAY, 1996 - AND I WAS BLESSED! I am in perfect health today.

    People are on edge - understandably. That's why this is already a GOOD WEEK! All the people on this string now understand each other a great deal more - and that in itself is positive.

    We all have the FREEDOM to communicate freely - whether we agree or not. That is our constitution,
    that is AMERICA!

    God Bless America! Dogman
  20. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    curiouser...GREAT info

    I think that was a great run down on LA area.
    I live in SF, as you know, but your synopsis was excellent! I do not know SoCal, other than San Diego.

    Interesting about Venice Beach and potential gangs.
    BUT there are many gang neighborhoods in SF/OAK/SJ areas.

    $700 a month - geez - wish!
    LOL - Dogman

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