Sure. Make the collection agencies take it off. They can't validate (not verify but validate) it they have to take it off for you Why fight the credit bureaus when you can make the collection agencies take it off for you?
Hi I just sent out validation letters today, I was hoping that might work since I had no luck the other way, hopefully they will respond I have been reading this site and sent them certified, thanks for all the help, Pam
Why did you give them 3 check numbers? Were they post dated checks? That also is 100% illegal per the FDCPA. So if they give you any more crap, you can lay that on them too.
This is exactly what the FDCPA says about post dated checs. (2) The acceptance by a debt collector from any person of a check or other payment instrument postdated by more than five days unless such person is notified in writing of the debt collector's intent to deposit such check or instrument not more than ten nor less than three business days prior to such deposit. (3) The solicitation by a debt collector of any postdated check or other postdated payment instrument for the purpose of threatening or instituting criminal prosecution. (4) Depositing or threatening to deposit any postdated check or other postdated payment instrument prior to the date on such check or instrument.
Them scumbags will never learn, will they LKH? She can whang them so hard they won't know what hit them. They will be paying her a big chunk if she gets a good lawyer.
Now that's interesting! Good...they won't know the checks have been stopped until they try to deposit one of them at the end of the month. If I haven't received a letter from them before that stating that they intend to deposit it, well...there you have it. Thanks for pointing this out!
NO, but I plan on teaching one scumbag collection agency a lesson in the near future. whyspers - which collection agency are you dealing with?
Gulfstate. You know the funny thing? In six years they had not contacted me once. I called them!! Dunce that I am!
I think we have enough people on this board alone to start a class action against those schmucks. I am getting ready to file against them shortly, unless of course they change their ways very soon.
Me either. Have a nice one I think she can easily catch them in a few more if she just tries so she can really show the judge what a bunch of bums they are.
Did you send them a letter stating what the checks were for, or did you just send the checks? The less information that they have on your intent to pay the debt the better. Any attempt to pay a debt this old could bring up some re-age issues.. They are no longer allowed to do this, but because of the age of the debt in question, you may get someone telling you that you re-aged the date of last of activity when you made payment arrangements. Of course they would have to prove your intent...
Good. Then you can claim they coerced you too. You wrote the checks under great mental stress and duress You might even be able to claim they said they was going to have you thown in jail. Let them prove they didn't threaten you.