Wed mail call.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by supershawn, Oct 17, 2001.

  1. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Thanks Anna!

    That also explains why it looks like she is 'coming in for a landing' when she goes number one.

    I just figured the 'poopie dance' had something to do with centrifigal force...LOL!

    Dog's are so silly- I don't know what I would do without mine. She is 3.5 yrs old.....not a coincidence that she came into my a life right after a really bad time. A golden retreiver.

    I am thinking about letting her post here soon, she obviously has good credit....she has received two pre-approved card offers in the mail in the past year alone. Her AKC name is "XXXXXX Casey XXXXX XXXX XXXXX". Her 'mail' comes in the name of 'Ms. Casey XXXXX'.

    I have no idea how she got on any mailing lists, but that show how much credit you can put in the 'pre-approved' offers. She also gets crap from BMG music and a few other regular mailbox stuffers.

    By the was Anna, did you ever get your car situation taken care of? I remember discussing it before....

  2. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    supershawn, that was so hilarious!! I am laughing so hard I can't breath!! LOL :-D
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member


    aroooooo! arf arf arf arf---turn around 4 times - scratch LOLLLLL!

    friggiin stellar work S! WELL DONE! GREAT!
  4. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    Hilarious! I am laughing out loud, hoping I don't wake my kids!
  5. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    No, Shawn, I haven't done anything about the car yet. I e-mailed SOMEONE for more info about the laws in PA, MD,OH, & WV, but that someone never got back to me. (I won't mention any names,but it starts with an S and ends with an N).
    My dog is the BEST dog. A 3-year old Brittany. He's supposed to hunt,but instead of pointing the quail, he pins them to the ground with his front paws. Hubby says one day, he's going to shoot. I think Doc knows that the only way the boss won't miss the bird is if he holds it still for him.
    Doc also gets alot of mail. Mostly cc offers. But he, Bugs, (rabbit) and Fluffy(guess) all get Avon books. We have a very Itailian last name,and I think they think Bugs and Doc have their own little business, if you know what I mean!
  6. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member


    I looked in my mailbox and I didn't see anything. THEN, I look in the one labeled 'Bulk Mail', where crappy hotmail put's SPAM, or thing's it thinks are SPAM, and there is an email from you! AND, there are 4 or 5 other emails from creditnet members there too! Some of the are 2 months old. I had no idea they were there. The weird part is I get creditnet email all the time, I wonder why some post and some don't....I though maybe your got confused with the anna k virus or something.

    Anyway, I am drafting a reply...hope it's not to late.


    p.s.- You wouldn't happen to have a wicked accent and like to play tennis would you? ;P
  7. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I'll let it go THIS time, but the next time I'm put in the junk mail folder, I may not be so nice. I may send Bugs to break your legs. No accent, no tennis - Unless youns think we talk funny here.

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