I have had several creditors that were knowingly misreporting account information on my reports. Two out of the three appear to be resolved. I am still having a major problem with the third and that one is wreaking the most havoc on my reports as I have four former accounts with them all reporting incorrectly. Prior to this whole Anthrax mail thing, I had mailed letters supported by documentation to the creditors, in fact I have written three so far to the customer service department of this creditor as well as an e-mail to no avail. With the documentation I mail, these envelopes are kind of thick (around five to six ounces in weight). I always send these cert/rr. In the past (pre-anthrax scare) I obviously have had no problems. Now I am about to write my final letter prior to filing a lawsuit to their CEO. Now I am worried they will think it is a suspicious envelope. My return address is clearly listed and I do take these to the post office directly to be sent. I don't want my legitimate envelope with documentation and demand dispute letter to go a stray because of the scare that is going on. Look at what happened with that lovesick woman that sent those panties to that guys house! Totally innocent, but look at what we are reduced to. Should I be concerned? Or am I just being totally paranoid? It is such a shame what all this has done to us.
Apparently the police, FBI, and haz mat team was called out. They put the panties into a haz mat barrel and had them tested. The woman came forward and was quite embarrased as she did not expect this to happen. I think it all turned out okay though. I think this happened in Wisconsin, but not sure.
I'd like to know this too, but for a different reason. I am mailing out my application for the Scottsdale police Dept tomorrow, and know that it's going to be pretty heavy (8 sheets of paper and envelope). I'm just concerned that they aren't going to open it and when I get there they are going to refuse to let me in to take the exam. Anyone with information on this....
I need the signed copy of the green rr card for a paper trail to pursue the lawsuit if it goes that far. My attorney needs this for the file.
I sell on ebay, I was told that has long as you take it to the post office and hand it to them directly over the counter it should be ok.
That's kind of what I thought. I always take my cert/rr mail as well as priority mail items to the post office. Besides if someone were going to do something terrible, why would they send it certified with a return receipt card. With all the craziness, I just had visions of the Exec. Office of my former creditor receiving my dispute with the documentation stuffed inside to prove my case panicking around my envelope. Geez, what things have come to. All I want is the creditor to get this mess corrected on my credit report. Apparently writing to lower divisions in their company does no good, so I am going to have to go to the top and speak in the only language they understand "LAWSUIT, SEEKING DAMAGES, & COURT COSTS." I too, sell occasionally on Ebay. In fact I just sent something to a winning bidder on Tuesday. I kind of thought about it when I sent my package out, but then I thought the person I sent it to is expecting it. The creditor is not expecting my dispute at the Exec. Office. Thanks for the response.
I don't think anyone would send Anthrax Certified return receipt so send it that way and I don't think you'll have a problem