Can the number of inquiries be removed from a credit report? If so, can somebody provide specifics? Thanks.
Hi I have deleted about 10 inquiries from EX, I just started on the other two reports. Just dispute them as unauthorized.
I see quite a few posts where people are saying they have been getting some removed. Some of the posts tell how they did it too. I'm working on some of mine but have not gotten any replies back yet.
Experian... yes, try an online dispute. Takes 30 Full Days with good success. Trans Union... yes, try an online dispute. List the name of the creditor, with the date of the inquiry as the account number... check the other box as the reason and say never applied for credit- delete. They usually will delete immediately and send you an updated copy of the report with 5-7 business days. Equifax... not without major threats of lawsuits. Company policy states that inquiries are not records of an authorized credit report being pulled, just that one was....
EFX: INQs cannot be removed (Glenn King's "matter of record" BS). TU: Only 20% of posters here were successful. EXP: Online disputes work relatively well. Saar
EX: I have had at least 10 removed and never had one verified. EQ: HAHAHAHAHA TU: Currently disputing 2. Let you know. Author_22
how many inquiries does it take for a credit report to look bad? and also as time passes does an inquiry have a lesser effect on the credit report?
Since WHEN can you get TransUnion inquiries removed? I've tried and tried, each and every single months for the last 4 months and at the end of my 30 days, I always get a letter from them saying that any creditor can check my report at anytime, and that all they need is "permissible purpose" and that doesn't necessarily have to be my signature or my agreement. So tell me how you do it! PLEASE!
Learn what permissible purpose is and then use that to dispute those which do not fit the criteria for "permissible purpose". It's a legal definition.
First six months are weighted the most.... most lendors/creditors like to see no more than 2 in that time.... Next break seems to be at 12 months... and of course they fall off after 24....
is that 2 inquiries for each of the CRA's? I believe I have 2 for Ex, 2 for TU and 0 for EQ. I have only had credit history for 7 months. So the inquiries are automatically removed at 24 months?
Depends upon the type of credit... mortgages will look at more than one cra file... most credit card companies only look at one... Yes, they all fall off after 2 years. Do you know the difference between hard and soft? Only the hard ones count against you... soft ones are only seen by you.
I have had inquiries removed from both Equifax and Experian. It seems like they are actually more difficult to remove if the inquiry is from someone you have an account w/ though.
I just got the results back from Equifax on the 8 deletions I disputed. Eight disputes, eight deletions. I'm going right back with 10 more. We will just see how long the good luck holds out. It's not going to keep on forever that way, I'm quite sure. I just hope I got sense enough to know when I have got all of them off using the argument I am using so I can keep my "spotless" record. However, I don't have much confidence in doing that well all the time on the first try. And I know there are going to be some that are not going to come off no matter what I do. I'm betting I'll be doing quite well if I can get maybe 50 to 75 percent of them off with all 3 CRAs.
Experian has been great at deleting inquiries for me, so far they have deleted everyone that I disputed (about 9 so far) ) No luck with Equifax yet.... and just tried TU online so we'll see how good they are.
Great results Mr. Bill! I guess Glenn King likes you more than everyone else. It's the only time I'm heard of success with Equifax Inquiries reported first person.....
We have a local Equifax office. Have only tried for one inquiry deletion so far, and it did go through.
Well, I'm not all that proud of the achievement. I disputed the same 8 inquiries with all 4 credit bureaus at the same time. This is just the 1st of 4 coming back so it will be interesting to see what happens with the other 3. After that, I'll pick on another 10 inquiries and dispute them with all 4 CRAs. If ALL of the above are deleted then I might start to think I know how to get inquiries deleted. I had about 40 inquiries on each of the 4 CRAs when I started on them about a month ago. If I can get them all deleted on the first dispute on all 4 CRAs then I'll start thinking I know how to get the job done. In fact, it really don't make me much difference if I have to take a 2nd shot at some of them. I could understand that because lots of them are inquiries made by the people I bought my car from or those who actually issued the wad of credit cards I carry around so I might not be able get rid of all of those. Stop to think about it, I might not even want to get rid of those because it might look funny to see all the good credit issued within the last 2 years or less and no inquiries???? A new creditor might get smart enough to think about that and start to wonder what the heck is going on because those inquiries ought to be there for the newer credit under 2 years old. After 2 years they would drop off anyway. So it might just tip somebody off that I must be doing credit repair and doing too good of a job at it. No negs, no inquiries and lots of credit under 2 years old? Wouldn't make no sense. I've gotten all of the negs off now except for one paid off State Tax Lien and it's 6 years old now and I've never even bothered to dispute it. Never paid that either. I "forced" the bank to pay that for me. Got rid of the house repo (and didn't even dispute it) and an old car repo that was about ready to fall off anyway. I never disputed that either. It somehow fell off by itself as well. Gulf State may be getting ready to put a new hickey on me, I don't know. I got a letter from Cap One telling me that I owed Gulf State some bill or other and they would be nice and kind to me and give me another new credit card with the Gulf State balance pre-loaded on it and then I could pay that off and establish my credit that way. Funny Gulf State don't seem to know anything about it yet. Or at least they've never sent me any demand letter on it yet and that was 3 or 4 weeks ago I got the generous offer from the nice Cap One people. Thems right sweet folks, now hain't they????? (LOL) Anyway, only time will tell how good I am on deletions. The 8 deletions from one CRA isn't anywhere near enough for me to start crowing about yet.