Has anyone signed up for the 30 day free trial? is it really 30 days free? are there any strings attached? and everytime you view your credit report using creditexpert is an inquiry generated?
Yes thirty days are free...then they bill you the 78.00 (or thereabout). Better deal than equifax credit watch because you can access your report as many times as you care to during the year. I actually like the site and didn't mind paying. Hope this helps. Sean
An inquiry only viewed by you......and there are no strings. If you don't like it just be sure to cancel before the 30 days are up.
Just Make sure that you call and cancel before your 30 days are up, because after that It will cost you.. A lot of companies have programs, such as privacy guard, ect that are pushed on you when you get approved... Most people are so happy to get the credit that they say yes to the 30 day free trial.. and soon forget and 3 months later have an outstanding charge on their credit card bill that they are unaware of..
You can cancel via phone, email or online.... They do charge your credit card # before 30 days, but will issue a credit.
How do you cancel online. I searched but never found a link to cancel the service online. Also, how do you cancel Privista? Cindy
From my experience, yes. They didn't wait for the 30 days and my CC statement came in with it there....
From the main credit manager screen, click the link at the top to "edit your settings". From the next screen click "my profile" which appears as a text box on the top left. At the bottom of the page click the link to "view my subscription accounts". In the final popup window, click "here" to cancel my account. What??? you didn't see that? It wasn't easy as pie for you?