I wouldn't sweat it.... The new credit could always come from pre-approved offers from soft inquiries.
Bkev: I've already got just about anything that could come from soft inquiries. I'd be a lot more worried about a major purchase that I might want to make.
Hey I've heard on other boards that people have had positive accounts REMOVED for disputing inquiries. Does this happen a lot? Should I just dispute every inquiry I've ever gotten? Steph
I WOULD TRY ONE (something newer than 6 months old)...if that works try another... DON'T DISPUTE ALL AT ONCE (you may regret it).
I just disputed all the ones that were duplicated on my CR. Is that gonna hurt me? There were probably about 5 companies with a total of 15 or so inquiries. These creditors check it 3 days IN A ROW! As soon as I have the inquiries all gone I'm putting a fraud alert on my CR that way anytime someone wants to pull my CR they have to CALL me or its fraud! KHM
I'll take it that you mean Major purchases as loans and mortgages.... Which I don't think you would want to erase an inquiry if you we approved anyway. What I meant is that new creditors don't see soft inquiries. How are they to know that a new line of credit within the last two years didn't come from a soft inquiry?
Hi you said four cb which one am I missing,? I thought that there was only three, I should have been working on another please tell me the fourth and how to get your report from them.
Here you go......... http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...ad.php?s=&goto=newpost&threadid=15060&pgnum=1 Innovis.... minor/non player currently... worry more about the big three EQ, EF and TU
RUMORS WERE... They were supposed to be set up as a "SUPER SECRET" CRA that all 3 report ALL information to (REGARDLESS OF ACCURACY), AND NOTHING WAS EVER SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO BE DELETED...
I cant belive I missed those postings, ohwell at least Iknow now .All you guys & Ladies are so much help Thanks so much, Pam
raiderpam: I was not talking about Innovis at all. As was correctly pointed out by bkev, But all 3 of the major credit bureaus also have affiliate or regional offices who are also credit bureaus in their own right because they too put out their own full blown credit reports, rate each account just like their counterparts do, and if properly manipulated are usually much more effective at getting rid of adverse reports and inquiries than their "parent" companies. That's probably because their activities are much more limited in size and scope than their "parent" companies. If I know who the regional affiliate is and have their address, I never leave them out of my disputes. That's because of their much greater level of eficacy and the fact that they are very seldom as "smart alecky" as their parent companies. They never come up with all the sick excuses for not doing what you asked of them and their reports and changes also are input into the parent company's info data base and changes that too. So they are like a back door into the big 3 CBs. I have to learn all those little tricks in order to do what I do and be effective at it. If I didn't know all the little tricks and keep on constantly learning newer and better ways to get the job done, I'd be a goner for sure. I've also got to keep on being agressively innovative and coming up with newer and better ways to get the job done. Just being on the cutting edge of one's field of endeavor isn't good enough. One has to out there leading the way.
I am going to dispute 24 on EQ over the next four months. I will not rest until they are gone. I will post results.