Hello all! I have not been posting lately, been really busy with studying and working. But I think I have grounds for a solid lawsuit against EQ. I have been putting it off, because I wanted to see if I could get the last negatives deleted. I checked my score a few weeks ago and it was in the low 700s I could not believe it, but then I was declined by Radio Shack for an account, (go figure) anyway. I have this problem of having two seperate files at EQ. One that is often pulled by creditors and one that is rarely pulled (mostly Citibank). Can't figure it out....... On one report I have 3 negatives and on the main one I have 2 negatives with tons of inquiries. Well now things are getting ugly with EQ because, they continually verfiy an item on the main credit file and will not delete it. However, I have proof from the other report where I requested an investigation of the same item on both reports and in the same month they verified as accurate and updated the tradeline with different information on each report, in fact at one time the account was deleted on the hidden one and later reinserted without notification. I have been holding on to the piece of information as ammo for a later date but it seems the time has come to go to the next level. They are still sending me copies of the other report, which I have been collecting as evidence that are not using reasonable measures........... and that they are not verifying the info accurately. What should I do, I really don't want to get embroiled in a lawsuit right now but If I have to then I will, but I am thinking of calling up there office of consumer affairs to discuss it with them, I have given up on their customer relations. Just curious what others would do in this situation with EQ. I have my letter drafted for EQ's consumer affairs, one way or the other it will have to be escalated. What do you think? Thanks! Cyprigirl
I'm a little lost.... can you tell us why you have two credit files with Equifax? If you have the letter drafted, would you like to post it for opinions?
Yes, and how did you find out that you had two files? I have sometimes suspected that a creditor was looking at different information than I had, but can't get my hands on it, if it's true.
Cypri, I don't "want" to get embroiled in a lawsuit either but sometimes it's the only way. I've let Experian get away with messing things up for me for three years now and I wish I had taken more aggressive action much earlier than this. My life has been rocked by the 9/11 attacks (I work in the airline industry and have been displaced from my previous base). Even though now is one of the most stressful times I've been thru I am proceeding now with my lawsuit against Experian. I have been pushed too far with the repeated co-mingling of my files and their willfull negligence. It's time to hold their feet to the fire and make them pay. I urge everyone with negligence issues of the CBA's to take action. Mist
Cyprigirl, please contact me, I have 4 different files at EQUIFAX, I think I might know somone at EQ whom may help you. If you email me, I will give you her name. I know how this might have happened. Arthur
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Bkev: It began around the end of July. Somehow my file became segregated due to I think of several investigations I had going on at the time. Anyway, as time went by things became more weird,I got a report with a lot of inquiries deleted, and the negatives deleted (the main file) I thought everything was fine until I received another report that was significantly different that still had collections that were investigated and deleted and which were not mine. I could not understand it, but when I called the rep could not even pull up this other file and tried to make me think I was crazy and that I do not have any other files. That is where I am at with EQ. In fact they sent me another report while I was away, so the saga continues, I partly did not do anything because I wanted to gather more evidence. I have not dealt with their consumer affairs dept as of yet and this will be their last chance to straighten things out. Mist: I read your earlier post and I think its time to file suit against the affiliate and EX because this is ridiculous. I would suggest a fraud statement but that creates more problems than it helps. Arthur: My email is calanova2000@yahoo.com, your e-mail was not on and I would appreciate it if you could drop me a note about the person in EQ. I am about to take the bar and I really don't want to sue now because of the time it may take away from my studies and if I can resolve this matter with someone in authority at EQ that would be great but I agree with Mist the CRAS negligence is getting real old and their lame excuses are tired as well. Thanks again Cypri
Hi all, I'm a newbie to the board. I was quite interested in this post because I also have two separate EQ files. I would like to the get the name of the contact person there to hopefully get this straightened out.
its 2 days. i think its the same around the country, the toughest part is the character fitness test, they do a 6 to 8 month investigation on your background and they are very picky, and they are not kind to people from out of state. I am glad I did stay in florida to go to school. Good luck on your exam, are you taking PMBR and Barbri? Cypri
CA and a couple of other states are 3 days. I will be working with a tutor, and exclusively using his materials. He comes highly recommended and has an excellent success rate--15 years of tutoring experience. cariba
MD allows you to take one credit report and get all of the info. from that one on who you had credit with for the last 5 years. They ask about any accounts 90+ days past due. Some states are stricter than others.
What's the name of your tutor? I am taking one also and he is sort of underground, everyone I know who has taken him has passed. I start with him next month. Cypri
His name is Dion Sullivan. I got his name from a woman I worked with. He helped her pass CA the second time around. cariba
Hi, I'm still looking for the person who knows who to contact at the CRA concerning 2 credit files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wish I had him during my previous NY sittings! I have never heard of him. My materials are apparently in the mail. With all the anthrax stuff, mail is slow in the DC area. cariba
I'm sorry, is this the person regarding the 2 credit files or is this specifically a conversation about something else? Don't want to keep intruding in it if it is, just trying to get the right information. Thanks.