Would you suggest disputing the same items all at the same time for each bureau? Or dispute w/one bureau - see results, move on to the next? I've disputed some items w/Experian & want to know if I should also dispute them right now with equifax? thank you, oh knowledgeable ones!
I would definitely dispute all 3 at the same time. If you were to do 1 at a time, you'd never get finished. You could do 3 or 4 with each bureau, and then in about 2 weeks send out another round to each bureau.
Nothing guaranteed, but I think you'll find you'll have more success with future CRA disputing accounts that have been deleted at one... Problem falls with did they investigate it or just delete it..... Again, no guarantees, but the odds are with you! GOOD LUCK!
Disputing 1 bureau at a time will give the creditor 3 chances over a period of time to verify. I have an account that was deleted from the first 2 bureaus on the first attempt. The 3rd I have now disputed 4 times and it comes back verified each time. You will find that everybody has an opinion on how to do this. In the end, you will have to decide for yourself what you think is the best way to do it.
I know. It's kind of like, which jeans make my butt look fatter ? LOL So, what has everyone had the greatest amount of success at?
AMEN BROTHER.. now you're preachin! The one thing I think we can agree in is that you can dispute everything in your file with EXP and EQ online the first time. They do not use a human to enter start investigations, so will not get the limit of three-four-five accounts you will see with most written or telephone investigations. You'll run into that limit with TU online investigations because they still require a human to enter the information to start the investigation. GOOD LUCK! I doesn't happen overnight, but it will work!
Others might disagree with my logic but I feel that the research done by companies like Junum or Lexington at least deal with a greater sample size than we can ever get individually. Junum disputes 4 items with each CRA in a "round". (They changed to 2 every 2 weeks but still amounts to 4 per round). A "round" is the time it took for the disputes to be sent to the CRA, to the time the CRA sent the results back which usually amounted to about 60 days. I would assume they tried different methods of disputing, different numbers of disputes to send, and different dispute letter lingo, but since they get paid based on performance they would try and maximize the results as well as minimize the rejections based on frivolous #'s of disputes and arrived at 4. To be fair, the other side of the coin is that Junum gets paid monthly so the longer it takes, the more money they would make. But its $15/month versus $10/deletion, I think results pay more for Junum when you have many negs to delete...$15/month is only $180/year. I would send 4 maybe 5 (more than 5 may get rejected as frivolous items) to each of the 3 CRA's. Then wait to send the next 4 or 5 until you receive the results back, changing the items disputed each "round" so that you don't dispute the same item twice in a row if possible. -Peace, Dave PS, Also mix/match/combine online versus snail mail disputes...from what I have seen they may get different results which may help you get things deleted faster.
So far I have had nothing but success with EQ. Equifax has taken everything off or put it to positive, the last charge off I just disputed and it should be sent to me in a week or so. TU I do 2 or 3 things at time they seem to get confused very easily. Experian I do a lot of disputes at the same time hoping they get confused, but they have NEVER fixed anything for me it always comes back verified. KHM
OK if you have Mean Ol Bill Collector A on EQ, EX, and TU, I would dispute the same account on all three credit bureaus at once. Worked like a charm for me. Then on to other Mean Ol Bill Collectors on other reports.
On top of that author_22, if you only did one at a time, their answers would come back at different times and then you would start the next round on the one that came back and before long you would need to be using a computer program to keep track of where you were at with each one. Doing all three at the same time is what makes more sense than anything else no matter how many items you dispute at the same time. Next thing one knew, it would just about take an accountant to keep track of the mess. Back when I was starting off with my own and long, long before I ever heard of this board, I'd end up so confused I didn't know which end was up. then I learned to start keeping some records on what I was doing and that helped quite a bit.
Now that I re-read your post I see I went off on a tangent sorry...I agree with Author, dispute the same item with all 3 (if its on all 3) at the same time. -Peace, Dave
I think that it can work either positively or negatively to dispute an item on all three reports at one. My thought is if you dispute with all 3 at once, and the creditor has a specific representative dealing with disputes it can be a negative - if all three disputes arrive in a short span of time, the rep is more likely to remember the first if they verified the information and simply send verification back to the other two. If the disputes are spaced out over a period of time, and files need to be retrieved (especially for older accounts) the 30 day period is more likely to pass before they verify.
Hal: What you say may be true, Hal, but I've yet to have any problems in that way. The flip side of that possibility is that he could easily multiply his offenses into 6 separate violations of law that way. So it can work against him pretty easily too if he isn't real careful.