Separate names with a comma.
As much as I hate to say this, you might want to see if you can find a helpful and honest finance guy at a dealership. They are scarce but I'm...
Dispute the tradeline with the CRA as "incorrect balance." It's worked for me in the past...
Oh yeah! 8-) Scha-wing! 23k now! Should be 24.5k once my the check I wrote for this month's rent gets deposited. I'm gonna be a little...
I just bought scorepower (and ONLY scorepower) and I ended up getting creditwatch as well! Got billed for it, too. I wrote to the...
6er 6er, You say you currently have a balance that you're paying off... How is this balance distributed among your six existing accounts? Are...
Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat Jason from Amex deserves all of the credit for me pulling my Blue out of the sock drawer and using it as my...
Five points with no changes? Check this out:
The CreditExpert score is worthless. It's something they cooked up in the backroom to emulate a FICO score and therefore pacify consumers.
I clicked my way from 15k to 17.5k without an inquiry. No income questions. No credit pull.
PeopleFirst isn't reporting my car loan to any of the CRA's! I actually don't mind. When income qualifying for an apartment I can say that my...
750 FICO, never a mortgage.
CCCS notations on your tradelines will be the Kiss Of Death for your FICO score for quite some time. Think long and hard about it. I've heard...
I PFB'd Citi five days ago about getting my interest rate lowered from 11.9% to prime+3.9% and I haven't heard anything. Should I re-send, or do...
I had a $200 unpaid collection long ago. It was about two years old at the time that I bought my car. My FICO was 691. It looks like it is...
Re: Income Verification I feel really dumb for not lying to MBNA when their telemarketer called. I could have their card right now.
I believe that the ONLY CRA selling the true FICO score that lenders use is Equifax. The Trans Union and Experian scores are their own little...
BT promos OK. One more question. I decided to fill in the BT section of the application. I'm taking a guess at what my Amex balance will be...
Does Cap One typically verify income? I'm unemployed and I have a "1 minute invitation" here (came in the mail) that does not even ask for my...
I did an on-line dispute of my Amex Blue's tradeline in order to get them to list my credit line. Instead they deleted the entire fecking...