Separate names with a comma. bout the Chase perfectcard...just saw the add here above...anyone have it? Anyone know scores required?
On the same token as the above post I wrote...with a $500 cl, using just $250 will bring your utilization to be careful, like I...
All that will really do is cost you more money, even thought you PIF each month, the previous months balance shows on your CR, I used my AMEX and...
Anyone? Any info? What scores? The cash back it good for gas purchases? Stupid question but it only talks about "purchases" and I...
Re: Re: Cap1 Account Issue Paid in full and never late are 2 different things...they are reporting paid in full, as they said they would, but now...
I get at least 2 week...........I junk them all........they suck!
I have the same problem.........utilization....I have over 20 accounts in good standing and always get declined for some bs reason........let me...
It's been a couple of years since I got mine but an email and then the card...I think the email came within a week, I don't...
I personally would close anything w/ an annual/monthly don't need'em w/ those low limits....
ABSOLUTELY! Ask for WRITING, do not speak to ANYONE over the phone...EVER! There are great sample letters on this site.
Get EVERYTHING in writing..........try a pay for deletion.....
That's SO not cool.........
If the judgement has been entered by default, then you have to do something to try and vacate the judgement....go to the courthouse, they'll give...
I had the same great track record since 1999, when I called to get my annual fee waived for the year they did........and closed my
I also had to fax a pay stub, and then the next day they asked for a copy of my ss and dl....alls good, I have my 15k plastic........
Re: Re: Getting hard inquiries removed... Just call and ask them to remove all your hards and they will in 24 hours?
Buckle down and stay're are undoubtedly in my thoughts and prayers.....
Call them........ For future reference, you can get all 3 individual reports online instantly in the future...
Re: Re: Woo Hooo!!! Another approval!!! No idea........but as soon as I find out, I'll post ;)