Separate names with a comma.
Re: ok...let's get a debate started I think its great she rose above her situation and apparently did what she had to do, especially for her...
I'm still in, sort of. EQ- 563 EXP- 586 TU- 634 ELOAN- 613
You are the bomb, creditman! Thank you for finding and sharing this site with everyone.
Congratulations, Whyspers! All your hard work has finally been rewarded. Much continued success!
Thanks for the info, SCMom, never thought of questioning dates. I really only just noticed that there wasn't one. I'll let you know how it turns out.
any help?
Does anyone know if it is significant or not if a collection acct shows no "date opened" date, just a "date of last activity" date. In my opinion,...
Good luck, soup!
Love, I am sending you a virtual "kiss" for finding and sharing this website. These case laws are just the thing I need to help with my...
Well, I called and spoke to another clerk yesterday (Monday) about this situation. Told him what the first FTC customer service rep told me and...
For those who were waiting, its working again.
Well, I'm going to call back on Monday and see if I can get a different person. If I get the same wrong information, I'm going to ask to speak to...
An update to this situation- I called the FTC to find out if maybe their was some kind of law that prohibits a creditor from selling an account to...
I think fax confirmations are good proof as well.
I think we pretty much knew that the scores are not that accurate, didn't we? I mainly use CreditExpert if I have accounts in dispute to see if...
Hey all, Just wanted to share an experiene that I had with a loan company called delray funding. I thought they mostly operated in FL but I...
No, they haven't stated it, I KNOW they have no proof. Never had an account with them.
I have a situation that I could use some help on. I currently have two different collection agencies trying to collect on the same account. Only...
Doc, nothing wrong with being a "creditnet ho" as long as your're the best at it. And you are. You're da bomb! (boom!!!)
Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h LOL, and you're the best one I've seen in a long time, DOC! You are too funny!